Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Court Requested Accomodations for Migraine

I have to add this one, because there is probably another default charge on my name.

I was going to hearing this a.m. to fight Holt's TRO and defend for mine against her and her housemates, but I started getting a migraine yesterday morning. The day after I write I haven't been having bad migraines (I was getting mild ones but which could be controlled).

SO I got a whopper yesterday and all day was fighting it. I had a couple of strangers rubbing my neck and shoulders and talking about migraine with me. I kept asking for OTCs too, and drank coffee to head it off because I haven't been smoking any pot at ALL, for a couple of months.

It got worse last night and I was just lying in pain. Finally, I had to ask if anyone knew someone, because otherwise, I was in ER needing narcotics and with a huge bill the CWH is pissed for my inability to pay. So which is the worser evil?

I am screwed over, and truly "disabled" by migraine. It affects my life and interferes with important things, like hearings.

So I smoked a tiny bit yesterday, drank coffee, took a bath, and realized I have irretractable migraine that I need a medicinal marijuana permit for because obviously it's been the only thing to prevent them and help abort them.

I tried to sleep last night and couldn't. All day I'd taken massive amounts of OTCs to get rid of it ahead of time but it was full blown by very early morning. I had to smoke more, take another bath, drink tons of coffee, and try to sleep again.

I called the court at 8 a.m. to tell them about it and request accomodations for physical disability. I told them there was no way for me to know ahead of time that I would need this and I could provide documentation later if needed.

I was told to call back in a half hour. I called again at about 8:45 a.m. and I was told the Judge knew but wouldn't make any decisions until she was in court...

I was asked if I could appear by teleconference but at that time, I was in excruciating pain even trying to talk and I told her no, and I didn't know how long this would last because if I couldn't get rid of it, it would go on for another day or so.

I asked the clerk to make a note somewhere, that I'd called to request accomodation for migraine. I was told they couldn't make any notes. I was also told they didn't keep track of phone calls and there would be no record. So at this time I asked for their email address and I sent an email over right away, to prove I had requested accomodations ahead of time. It was sent at about 9:05 a.m.

I said I would try to appeal if necessary and give documentation to prove I'd had a migraine and supporting witness statements.

I don't want to have a bad mark on my name because my disability has prevented me from making any defense and interferred, disabling my ability to have a fair trial or hearing.

I am only writing this, because it is not about anyone else but me, and because I had just written I thought my migraines were "gone" or "cured" to a large degree. The very next morning, while I was in the visit with my son, I started to get my traditional migraine headache.

I don't want anyone to think I did any thing either, if something comes up on the docket that I lost, and I think people should know why so it doesn't prejudice my name or reputation.

It's better now. I smoked a bunch, but it's still there. I drank two cups of coffee, but it's still kind of nagging.

At any rate, I'm not making this up. All day at Cafe Mela yesterday I was using OTCs and drinking coffee, and one Russian teacher, one Russian language student, and a woman from Germany ALL saw and heard me complaining about the onset of migraine and rubbing my head and pressing behind my eye.

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