Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Going To Make Posts, But Will Publish Comments

I am committed to not writing in this blog anymore, but I will continue to post or publish any comments that may still come in, and any comments through email for this blog. Here is one I got yesterday:
Hi. I saw the story of the civil suit. We have gone through pure hell for the past 3 months. Our 3 year old neice was taken from us after being placed with us by c.p.s. for 18 months. We have found out that the caseworker promised her to another family before any accusations came about. We now have several attorneys and 2 vgals on our side but the judge seems to listen to everything the caseworker says. Our neice is now being diagnosed with an attachment disorder which she didn`t have before she was taken. Both parents want her with us. The dept. has violated almost every policy there is such as privacy laws. The family our neice is with now has been told my husband has a felony on his record which was the first allegation and is not true. It was proven in court it wasn`t true but she was still removed. They have also been told that I beat my daughters when they were young which also is not true. If one thing doesn`t work they come up with several more things. I want to sue more so to show c.p.s. they can`t continue to get away with this stuff. Let`s take away from the budget they have and make these caseworkers accountable for the heartache they put the children through. Our case is from Everett, Wa. and the caseworker`s name is Carol Louquet or Agostonelli. Since our case started in March, she has been going by the 2 different last names. We now have the Ombudsman`s office involved and 2 local Senators. They are all saying this is wrong but it doesn`t go any further than that. We won`t stop fighting until she`s back home. I know several people who would be happy to join in a civil suit. I didn`t realize until this happened to us that it happens all the time. We have to stop it.

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