Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Court & Wenatchee Police Refuse To Enforce Order

I just got back from the courthouse. At 3:30 p.m. or just before 3:30 p.m., I called Officer Thompson to find out why he hadn't contacted me about an appointment time for me to pick up my things. The order states it is to be done before 4:30 p.m. and Ms. Holt has known about it and been in communication with the Officer since this morning.

Officer Thompson told me she wasn't showing up until 5 p.m. and that was fine with him. I told him the order states she shall be there BEFORE 4:30 or we go in to get things. He said he hadn't "served" her. I asked him why NOT, and he said she had appointments all day.

He knew this at 10 a.m. this morning because I was standing right there when he was on the phone with her.

I asked the Officer if he had even bothered to TRY to serve her. He spoke in a slow drawl as if he'd been sitting around shooting the breeze for hours or parked at a corner eating a fucking bagel.

No, he didn't try to serve her. In fact, when I asked him why he had not asked her what address or location she was at when she was at an appointment, he didn't even have an excuse. He told me he had not even asked.

He didn't have an excuse. I told him if he had known since TEN in the morning, that he had to serve her, why had he not even made an ATTEMPT? Meanwhile, Wenatchee police have absolutely no trouble whatever, tracking me down at a cafe, and waste no time in serving me with orders.

I asked him to please ask for her address and serve her and he said no he wouldn't and that he was waiting until she just arrived, at the end of her usual day, at 5 p.m. He said HE and OTHERS were inconvenienced and had to go out of their way for this.

I told him I was the one who had had to go out of MY way when I had to VACATE a house where my things were being damamged, pilfered through, and stolen, and where I was being threatened to move and wasn't safe. I was the one to go through the inconvenience of an illegal lock-out by Ms. Holt, which she performed PRIOR to going to court to get her TRO after I blogged about what she'd done.

I was also the one who had to stay an entire day in Wenatchee yesterday, and then OVERNIGHT which I hadn't planned, and then ALL DAY today. I had to spend extra money on a rental car and on overnight costs and was that much more time without my things when I told the court and they all knew that I had LEGAL papers for the dependency at Ms. Holt's house, which I needed to making an appeal of the last court decision.

They don't care. In fact, I was mocked and made fun of by one of the police officers who looks like a bulldog, who harassed me when I was put under false arrest, who laughed along with Fona Sugg and Judge Allan, and one other clerk, about me. The door was closed and I could still hear them as I tried to submit something in writing requesting the last order be obeyed or enforced.

Judge Bridges, whose wife works for CPS in Wenatchee, did nothing. Judge Bridges wife was the first one to come to my door with complaints from Wenatchee medical professionals, most who worked at Central Washington Hospital, which is owned partly by the Methodist church Mykal works for, and partly for the Catholic church. It's the merger of St. Anthony's hospital and another Methodist run one. So Mykal works with the Methodist church, and the Judge who just let Ms. Holt sit around all day and do whatever she wanted, after I had to make FOUR trips to the courthouse, being told over and over that I'd have to "file" something and "make an order" and "request modification", well, Judge Bridges did nothing to enforce his own order. And it is Judge Bridges wife who first offered me and my son a one-way bus ticket out of Wenatchee, to Utah.

I was told by police and clerks, that usually the Judge just writes in a quick order to allow entry to a place, which he could have done yesterday when I showed up at the courthouse. Instead, Judge Bridges forced me to follow the letter of the law by drafting a formal request.

I am required to follow the letter of the law, but it is clear no one else in the justice system or with the old boys ties is. They are allowed to sit around, eat donuts, and laugh about others' attempts to procure justice and have their rights respected.

I went to the courthouse this afternoon to have the order enforced and to request that the Officer at least ask where her location was so he could "attempt" to serve her. This was when I was told the Judge would not modify the order again and that he basically didn't care if it wasn't being followed or enforced. Fona Sugg, who I had serious problems when I was first in Wenatchee, made sure everything went through her, and said he wasn't going to do anything, even though I was there at about 3:45 p.m. or earlier to request the normal effort be made to accomodate MY right to my belongings.

Judge Allan looked around the corner at me, along with the Officer whose name I'll have to get because he's figured into a lot of problems I've had here, and then Fona and the other clerk, all looked around the corned at me and laughed, and then I HEARD them, through the door, making fun of my attempt to get this done. I was told the Judge couldn't respond because I didn't make a proposed order. So I did, and then they all gathered around it, and passed it around and joked about it.

I think I'm going to have to request change of venue for prejudice.

When I called Fona to let her know I was there with a proposed order which I filed, to create a record which showed Ms. Holt wasn't compliant and that police and the court did nothing to serve her, and didn't make the slightest effort, Fona just sat there. She didn't come to the door for 10 minutes and I called again and when she started telling me how everyone was accomodating ME, I said, "You know what Fona? This is further evidence of a continued pattern of prejudice and conduct for which the county could be liable--" She suddenly cut in and said she'd be there.

So she showed up.

I have to get change of venue for this whole TRO thing. I don't know it would make that much of a difference, but it might.

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