Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Foreknowledge About Cancer in Fona Sugg

The weirdest thing that happened today was seeing Fona Sugg with her face scarred up. Very deep lines from a surgery. I didn't know what from and didn't even recognize her. I didn't know it was "Fona" (THAT Fona).

So I asked her, innocently, what happened and she said she'd had cancer they had to cut out. I said I was sorry to hear that but it sounded like she'd been lucky.

This is the weird thing...THEN, this afternoon, I found out it was FONA. Fona Sugg.

I had predicted, or known, and told Fona, I thought she had or was about to get cancer. It wasn't a threat. How does someone threaten "cancer" to another person? But I remembered, back when she harassed me so badly, and would hang up on me all the time, I finally wrote an email about how I thought she either had or was about to get cancer. It was one of my insight things, not a mean stab at insulting her.

And she got FUCKING CANCER. Big time too.

I don't think she had it then, or I never heard of it. But I knew she was going to get cancer for some reason, and I do remember, at the time, I was thinking partly it was coming to her because of bad karma or something.

But I don't think like that, in general. I don't. I do not believe cancer or illness and injury is a punishment for being bad, or a curse, or anything. It can happen to anyone. All I know, is that it is documented IN WRITING somewhere, that I believed Fona was going to get cancer.

And she DID.

Her entire face has scars from her forehead, to nose, to mouth. I don't know if it went anywhere else. I could only see the scars on her face.

This is the most bizarre thing that's happened in the whole last month. This realization.

And it's not like people abuse me, and I get "mad", and then THINK or HOPE they get cancer. I just somehow knew she was going to get cancer and I wrote about it to her, or on my computer or blog or in an email to someone, and I know for sure that I wrote it down, and then she did get cancer.

I would sort of be curious to know how long she's had it. Or when it was first found or discovered. Just for my own records in things I intuit or predict correctly. But yeah, I never wrote that about others that I can think of in particular--maybe I've thought it before, of one or two. But Fona Sugg was a surefire one. I knew.

This is so weird.

She actually seemed a little bit nicer, in general, this time around. I didn't know it was her but she knew it was me. But before, she was truly horrible to me and brought me to tears on more than one occasion. I remember even praying to God about her, because of how miserable she made me and what lengths she went to, to lie about me and harass me.

That was in the beginning the Wenatchee problems. She was right there in the very beginning. She's more mellow now.

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