Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Stuff & How The "Other Woman" Was (Miss Latina Wannabe)

Okay, I got there and Officer Thompson was actually very nice. Totally mellow and nothing weird, at all. He even helped me bring me stuff over until his "boss", M. Huson, ordered him not to help me. Here is Huson telling me "You have 2 minutes" and then prohibiting his guy from voluntarily helping to carry stuff, which made it faster.

Officer Huson was sort of a jackass, but not just to me. I wondered if it was show though, because the first thing he said to Holt was that if she kept talking he could arrest her, or if she tried anything funny, he would. It seemed a little exaggerated.

This whole THING is over-the-top exaggerated. I can't believe I have the drama Queen trying to say I'm the one with issues. She put on her nice act, but I just felt like I couldn't be far enough away from her. Anyone who lies the way she did, and who sets people up, is totally crazy. I got the phone number of the people next door, who told me this woman is crazy. I'm surprised Holt hasn't had THEM removed, but I guess she's "trying", through, she told me, the drug taskforce.

I'm going to have the other woman or her family testify for me as to Holt's pattern of lock outs and erratic behavior and paranoia about "drugs".

So I noticed some medical record stuff was missing right away. Some important CDs. I wasn't given the opportunity to go through anything else.

Holt tried to say any vodka or liquor wasn't mine but it was, and it was obvious because it had my paint all over it because I used it for a kind of thinner. So I got that. She also tried to say my hairsetter and dryer were already packed away and just as she said that, I saw the mental image of my hairsetter pins, in the same little ceramic dish. She knew they were there. So I told police and we went back and sure enough! Holt grabbed them and dropped them into my hand with a plop so they spilled out of my hand. I asked her where my toothbrush was and she tried to get in a dig and said, "I didn't know you had one."

LOL. At least that was a good one. Probably the smartest and wittiest thing I EVER heard coming out of her mouth.

When I first moved in with my fiance, all she did was make eyes at him, make HIM dinner, and tell me to go back to bed to finish "your nap" so she could flirt more with Alvaro. I remember that night, when I came out of the room, unexpectedly, having taken only a 20 minute nap, and there she was! full regalia. I mean, she was hookin' around the house. I couldn't believe it. She had full make up on, her hair done, and was wearing this VERY low-cut shirt with a push up bra on. In the colors he wore often, of course. She had bright red lipstick on. She was sitting there with her elbows on the table, leaning in and batting her eyes at him and he was just sitting there eating what she'd set in front of him. Not once did she make anything for me, but she made Alvaro meals on a regular basis.

People wonder why I threw an Arby's sandwich at him.

I noticed she'd made some gains, when she asked him to help with his muscle, to move some things. She was ordering people around, and I guess he saw the photo on her wall, of herself as a princess, wearing a crown and everything, and thought, "Hey! this bitch has some dough AND a fucking crown too!" Then there's one of her with a beret on. I guess some people like their hats. At any rate, almost every single photo in her whole house was of HER or had HER in it, in a sexy position.

Oh yeah. Boy was Alvaro "stepping up". Come on mi latinas...este mujere tried to speak "portueguese" and BUTCHERED it.

This woman didn't have a Latin bone in her whole body, not until Alvaro decided to oblige.

I am confused.

She wants to be Jewish. Okay. AND she wants to be Methodist. AND she wants to be "European Christian".

You know, about the latin bone and all, I'm not totally convinced that happened. But I do know there were "sexual relations" and I DO know it entailed oral sex. He wasn't just eating from the china at that house.

She went after him through his stomach and by building his confidence in his brawn. In the meantime, they're telling me to train for "poker" at her brother's place at Minns. She's the one who got me the job. Yeah right. They were both so pissed when I quit my lessons. House games were over for them. Like I was going to train for poker, unpaid, and then at the last minute, not get hired or Mykal's friends pull a fast one when I could be using my time to go around and collect witness statements. That woman was bent on screwing me over from the start. Look at what she did? Who DOES this?

The same woman who SCREWS around with my fiance, whom she believed was MARRIED to me, and who lies about me, threatens me with violence, steals my stuff or allows others to, THEN tries to keep my cedar HOPE CHEST. Like I would give that to her. She has some balls to try to keep this. I had to leave my hope chest and clay pots behind because she claimed to the judge that they were hers. I never sold them to her and in fact I emailed my mother asking how much I should charge if I did. I considered her offer to buy them, but I didn't agree to anything. And she's trying to keep this stuff HERSELF. Like I was going to do chores for her, do her yardwork, and be a cleaning lady when she's up to no good. No, she took some things, but she's no Ivana Trump.

I wonder what I could have lied to the court about, if I were to do the same? I wonder what is hers which I could tell the court is mine. My fiance?

No, I could have asked the court for something. But no, I didn't lie like she lied. I didn't put on an act like she did.

Alvaro was a good actor and a bad liar and she was a good liar and a bad actress. Me? I was just Malcolm-in-the-middle.

In the middle of idiocy.

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