Wednesday, June 24, 2009

CPS Refuses To Allow State Psychologist To Evaluate Me

Again, I am only writing because I feel this abuse of authority and more attempts to block me from obtaining a psychological evaluation in an EXPEDIENT manner.

I talked to a Dr. Bruce Olson about doing an eval and he was the only one who told me he would do it for me "right away" and was actually available.

So I told CPS, a caseworker, who I'll choose not to name here, and she made a big deal about it, telling me to go with someone else and acting suspicious that this guy would do it right away. She said it would take 2 months to set up a contract with him.

So I just got her letter, which states he's still ON CONTRACT with the state but has chosen not to renew and it ends at the end of the month. So basically, he'll do it, but CPS is now saying they won't let him because they're claiming he is going off contract too soon.

I was told, by CPS, that they would even contract with someone who was NOT on the state list, if I "found" someone willing to do it.

So now this seems like just another stall and delay tactic because Mr. Olson said he would do this for me right away and CPS is suddenly claiming they won't cover him.

John Fishburne was going to do everything in one day, and I don't see why Fishburne could do it in one day, but CPS is claiming Mr. Olson cannot.

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