Friday, June 26, 2009

Lawyer For Class Action! Against Colonial Vista

By the way, I found a lawyer for the labor matter regarding Colonial Vista's practice of overworking and not paying their employees. The firm wants more information.

Anyone, any employee, who has been underpaid or not paid for work they did, should sent me a post or something to my email and I'll pass on the name of the law firm which may be interested in a class action. The firm has no ties to Wenatchee and is out of Seattle and high powered.

Did I mention, I want my son back?

In case anyone forgot, I want my son back. The harder anyone tries to make this, by illegally blocking me from getting him back, will just end up in more serious financial set backs for people in the area, because there are plenty of companies and businesses run by those who want to control things here, who probably have lawsuits coming at them, who I will find out about and go after.

If I have my son, I will certaintly be content to domesticate myself and even do what CPS first tried to do:

Force me and my son out of town.

I wonder why CPS isn't offering that one-way bus ticket out of the state of Washington, to me and my son anymore? is it because now they're not worried about my ability to file a medical malpractice claim on behalf of my son?

First, the state of Washington, little Wenatchee CPS, tries to force me and my son OUT of Washington when we're looking for a medical malpractice firm in Seattle and they all know we need a Washington licensed attorney...And then when we refuse to leave to another state, Washington decides to take my son away to prevent me from filing on his behalf and bases their entire case against me on mockery of disabilities and physical injuries they and the doctors we were going to sue, claim we don't have?

Interesting. Like no one in America can see exactly what is going on.

Nice stalling on the psychologists too. Very convenient for the state's timeline and attempt to run the clock out so they can win because "We don't NEED evidence!"

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