Monday, June 8, 2009


Maybe I was harsh about the cross analysis. I think so. I thought about it and why should I think I know all these things? I don't. I know that I felt more sad wearing it than not, so I put it in my pocket.

Something about wearing it doesn't feel right.

But whatever. I'm fine. I need more clarity on things. I mean, someone either really loves me or is really trying to screw me over. I dont' know.

This guy, new friend, is hilarious though. He's a kick. Makes me laugh, though I didn't feel like talking. He said it was like we were married: "We don't have sex; we don't talk; we have breakfast reading the newspapers instead of speaking to eachother..." and I cracked up laughing because he was sitting on one bench and I was sitting on the other. He had a latte, his second of the day, and I was having passionfruit and apricot gellato.

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