Monday, June 8, 2009

Music Tonight & A Man's Tribulations in Wenatchee

I like Marianne Faithful's children of stone. depressing but poetic and very melodic. sang to it. I like it. English but wow. edith piaf recall.

I went to Wenatchee and back today, and I'm going back again tonight. This guy I met who does yachting, said HE was totally screwed over by Wenatchee after he WON something in their courts.

He said he was the first to WIN a ticket case, and it took two days of TRIAL or deliberations over a falsely issued speeding ticket and he won and he was totally harassed afterwards, and profiled and had police all over his ass.

It was random, how I met him. Just at the docks and he gave me his number and said if I wanted to go sailing he could hook me up with people who like to sail (and I know some already too!). So then I needed to get BACK to Wenatchee after being there already with someone who was kind enough to escort me (new friend who I don't know if I can trust but whom I like well enough).

So anyway, I call him up randomly and say, well, if he knew people with boats, maybe he knew people with cars??? and he said he wasn't sure and he had plans that night. Then I said "wenatchee" and what was going on there and he was all over it and said HE got totally SCREWED in Wenatchee himself.

Instant hook up with a friend who can drive me over.

That's whatcha get, justice system people, but it will one day be worse if you don't do something about not following your own rules and laws.

So this guy says the Judges didn't even go to fucking law school and yet get elected and sit on the bench not knowing the law, for 20 years. So he won his case, was harassed back and forth and then was THREATENED by the CHIEF OF POLICE.

HEAR HEAR! that's what Im talking about! He tried to get things resolved with the Chief of Police who, when this guy said no one on the other side of the mountains would ever think of doing the stuff that happened in Wenatchee, he was told by the Chief of Police, that he wasn't going to get anywhere, and to remember WHAT side of the mountains he was on.

The Chief then threatened him and told him he wasn't getting any "help" there.

I told this guy, over the phone, yeah...well, like I've said, when you have Eastern Indians who just moved to SEATTLE and happen to have a friend in Wenatchee who warns them all to never get involved in the justice system in Wenatchee, you know something is wrong.

No, not interested in romance. But we're sharing costs on some things. I just have to fix the Wenatchee shit.

I'm not interested in being involved with someone unless I know him for some time and we both have chemistry. Period.

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