Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dreams Last Night

First I had a dream that the last psychologist who backed out on doing my eval (because he said he didn't want flack from Wenatchee and to be unemployed if he diagnosed me without anything seriously wrong, or in my favor)...In my dream I picked up a prescription bottle that belonged to him and it said "Malcolm Butler". It was sort of like they knew eachother was the impression, though it wasn't clear this was HIS prescription bottle.

Then I had a dream my son was crying for me and no one could hear him and his desire to be with his mother.

Then I had a dream I was sitting at this table with a ton of women. I got to know 3 new women and they all supported me and believed my son should be with me and that I was an excellent mother. Then we were joined by a group of other women who'd been in Wenatchee for a long time and some were halfway sympathetic and nice and then there was one or two who were not and we were all eating and talking and this one woman went on and on and on and everyone was staring at her and she was a state worker, in my dream, but I don't know I've seen her in real life and finally I said, "And they say I'M the one who's crazy..." and everyone at the table cracked up laughing because they were nodding that I seemed to be one of the most normal acting women at the table, at least in a social setting. Then all these people wanted to help me financially but they didn't have money themselves because of the economy but they all thought I should have my son back.

I also had a dream where I was just crying and sobbing in anguish and couldn't stop, because of not seeing my son more, and the roadblocks.

I woke up with a very heavy heart and then I told myself to think positively. To believe the best, in myself and that there is even hope for my son and this situation. And my spirits lifted.

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