Saturday, June 20, 2009

Musician and Navy Musician Who Worked With British

I got together with a musician yesterday, to see how our styles might blend. He played beautifully but I'm not used to the synthesizer...sort of elevator music-ish. Even though it's in so many 80s songs. He pointed out an 80s dance club too, where they play 80s on Thursday, in Capitol Hill.

So we will probably try to work on some things. He writes, and then he plays Chopin and Rachmanikoff. He played Chopin's prelude to ____in E minor. Hmmm...Or was it major? And Human Leagues, "Mad World". Then this guy in a black and white Navy tee comes in and played a few riffs on guitar and was quite good. He had a Boston accent and said when the homeless just asked him for change, he told them the convenience store gave out change every day. Horrible. I had just given all my change to the same homeless person myself, when they asked me for change, and then this guy comes along and is watching them wander over to the store to ask for "change".

The Navy guy is working on international relations and learning languages. When I looked at him, for some reason, something about him working with the British came to mind. But I didn't want to sound strange and ask out of the blue so I just said, "Does the Navy sometimes work with the British on projects, and did you, or no?" and he looked a little surprised and said yes, and that he did, specifically, work with them on one of their ships for awhile.

He said all the Navy's in the world have pubs on the boats or allow drinking, except U.S. Navy. He did say, there was some kind of deck party where U.S. guys were allowed 2 beers each but no one followed the rules. Then I asked if women were all waiting for the guys at the ports and if it was different country to country and he said the only time he saw a huge entourage of women was in Australia, when they docked and they had the "big eyes" and could see from afar, hundreds upon hundreds of women waving and waiting for them and they paired off.

He asked if he should be telling me this but I said, "Oh it's okay, I worked with a bunch of guys in an oil refinery and it was like being in the military." (and that's not negative, either, I liked those guys) So he shared a few stories.

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