Monday, June 1, 2009

"European Christian" & Mykal Holt's Attempt To Steal My Belongings

I'm sitting here cracking up with this guy, about Mykal and what she's doing and her claims of being "more of a 'european christian'". He cracked up laughing and said, "What the hell is that?!" and I said, "I KNOW! all of europe is like, 'we don't know her..." I told him she was giving the european christians a bad name.

Now, I called police to help me get my stuff, and the officer Johnson is telling me Mykal isn't being "cooperative" and she is telling him I am not allowed to collect my things. I told him, "She does NOT have a right to KEEP my clothing, my medical records, my diaries, photos, and other belongings and her refusal to let you assist to pick them up is wrong and illegal." He said I have to go to court to ask for permission to pick this stuff up.

So she's just trying to be difficult.

The bitch got caught by me and she wants to make my life hell for calling her out on her shit. This is the same woman who referred to herself, in her craigslist ad, as "classy".

Classy is not planting fake flowers all around the flowerbed. She's got these fake flowers planted next to real flowers in her yard. The neighbors are always picking up the bouquets that flew out and into their yard. They're like, what do we do with this??? (stand there holding an entire part of the faded fake flowerbed in their hands) Where's the fucking tire and toilet with petunias?

Her holding my stuff, and the police going along with it, is like when the police were asking Alvaro if HE wanted to ALLOW me to get my belongings out of his car. That's when he had no fucking "order" against me either. Never did, of course, but here is the same shit with my right to my personal belongings being compromised because someone just happens to know the police in the town.

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