Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fur Elise & Stayin' Alive

I played "Fur Elise" on the piano today. The only song I remember how to play. I sort of miss having a piano around to tinker with. I've come across some guitars and haven't had time to play much. I like piano for just playing improv without singing along and then guitar for strumming out chords to write songs. But I miss piano now and then.

I'm listening to "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon & Garfunkel. Which reminds me...well nevermind. Funkle.

Anyway, random associations, actually, not so random but private. I had a motorcycle ride and thought about some of my options and made some calls. I think I'll be okay.

I haven't heard Paul Simon's "Diamond's on the soles of her shoes" for a long time. I used to listen to it all the time, in 1993-1994.

I like "My Secret Life" by Leonard Cohen. That's a great song...I might have to hear more of his music.

I listened to more 60s stuff and then went to Cohen and am hearing this really cool rendition of "Downtown Train" by Tom Waits. I might like it better. In fact, I do like it better than the original...his interpretation is good. The other one is sort of an elevator-music style by comparison. The other music in the cafe is one of my favorite duets, by hansle whatever that guy's name is..."raise your hopeful voice/you have a choice/you make it shine/..." falling under? is that it?

I like this "Joe Hill" from the Bowry songs. I like her intro into this, about her friend Dave who convinces a bunch of prisoners to go on hunger and labor strike, so the prison guards don't like it and keep moving him to another jail or cell where he can't be touched. It's an organizing song.

When I was in the jail just recently, they took me out of the communal room and put me in a solitary confinement cell. For no reason. There wasn't even anyone else in the other communal room but it had more room and better amenities. When I was falsely accused a few years ago (and they had zero evidence and not even probable cause and refused to obtain the evidence I HAD which I wanted to use in a trial to defend myself...I think they didn't want a trial which proved them they threw it out), anyway, they put me in a solitary confinement room for no good reason. Just to isolate me and keep others from witnessing, I think, how they were refusing to give me paper or kites and other things. When I was isolated, no one else was there to witness all the violations. When I DID get kites, I filled them out only to have them sent back to me by the Judge and guards, saying they were NOT going to be filed.

At a live concert now, with an English song first. Then they're doing some Scandanavian songs and then finally, they said, some Scottish war songs. I might need to learn some war songs. I guess.

They're all folk songs: pull up your role carts and roll up your sleeves...(something about Jordan)...

You know what? I suck, but I should do reviews of live music in Wenatchee. Why not?

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