Saturday, June 13, 2009

Billy Idol Morning & Thinking About Spells

I woke up with the Billy Idol song, "Sweet Sixteen" on my mind. Over and over and I couldn't get it out of my head. I don't think it was playing last night at the bar. I do know I heard some thrasher music after this guy put change into the jukebox and thought about someone in particular.

I met these guys, the ones who said I was cool after thinking maybe I wasn't because of what's gone around about me (or what I write too), and they made sure I had a place to stay overnight. The guy was totally safe and didn't try anything and wasn't suggestive either. He wanted to stay up and talk past 2 but I was tired and just went to bed in another room. He was 21 but older for his years, and when I think about it, I don't think I am any different now than I was when I was 21 and owned my own house and was self-sufficient. I have more life experience, and so a little more wisdom, but I'm not a different or even a more mature person. He reminded me a little bit of Chris from D.C. Just a little, in some ways.

This guy asked if I had been in love or something or maybe I volunteered the information and I said no, I'd not. I said I'd had love for my ex, but that I gave 50% because other things were going on and I didn't know if I could fall for him or not. So my mind directed my heart.

He's into astrology and numerology. Which was cool, because there was also a book about psychic awareness. I'm really not too much into astology and formulaic stuff. Where HE was into the astrology and numerology, and thinks it's a little "out there" to into the psychic stuff, I'm the opposite. I'm more into the actual remote viewing, intuition, and psychic stuff, more than formulas. Not saying the other stuff couldn't have merit, but I'm interested in the 6th sense.

Age aside, this guy and I were way too much alike. I think we could have interesting conversations, but we're both firstborns who put mind over matter, who are interested in "other" stuff, who both experienced home schooling AND private school AND public school, who have started our own businesses, who have had controlling parents at various times and seen the effects of super-religiosity. Also, we even both have Dads who have always had music studios and on synthesizers. I sort of felt like he was my brother, but he's got some chemistry. There was probably a little chemistry, but nothing I'd entertain on an intellectual level. I think I'd be a good psychologist though...I was a good listener and I realized, yeah, people talk to me. Maybe I ask the right questions.

So of course nothing happened, no kissing, nothing, and it was just fun to chat. His friends kept saying last night he really liked me a lot. I think he did, last night at least. He brought up remote viewing so I might look into that again.

When I was at the other house, with the books of spells, I picked one up and the only part I read was this really interesting excerpt about how the English or other monarchy's believed they had healing powers, or some of them did, and it was common for them to "touch" people in order to imbue a power or healing to them. The last monarch healer was in the 1700s (late I think). I thought about Princess Diana and wondered if her ideas of touch as a healing agent was from this historical tradition or belief or from science research which shows touch can be healing, or if it was something else. I thought it was interesting at least.

I just got my nails repainted and I'm going on a short motorbike ride. I have to get to Seattle today too!

Anyway, vrrooom.

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