Friday, June 12, 2009

Lucky Guesses!

Okay, time for more documentation. Maybe intuition, maybe just lucky...

First of all, I have to say, after a few drinks, I think I might be slightly amusing??? A half hour ago, after a tiny bit of tequila, I was talking to this guy who was sitting next to an uattended beer. I asked if anyone was sitting there and he said no, and he didn't know whose beer it was. So I took the beer to the bartender and said, "I think this is an absentminded beer--it's minding it's own manners..." and just set it down. She LOOKs at me and says, "ookkkkkaaaaaay."

Someone said, "I think you are very intelligent." I winked, in my crazy lopsided eye way.

Why am I so clever with a drink or two? What lurks in this mind of mine? Christopher Hitchens you have met your match. I said so. So!

So, my lucky guesses...I wouldn't typically try to document this on a weekend night, but what can I say? I struck a little bit of gold again. I guessed this one guy was from a farming family and he was. I said he looked Russian but he WASN't (german) and then I guessed golfing with him and he's into golfing. The other guy, I kept seeing "cop"...he said he was an accountant but I kept seeing cop. Then, he tells me his father was a cop. Whaddya know? I still think the son is like the father. Something undercover maybe. Undercover accountant corporate cop. He is his father's son, is all I know.

I guess I should be a counselor or psychologist. I mean, what else? I like figuring people out. One guy, who I guessed farming and golfing about, said he was a little creeped out. He wasn't joking, I could tell. His friend said, "Your family isnt into FARMING," and he said, "Yes they ARE! orchards!...." and orchardists are farmers in my mind. I consider my own grandfather to be a farmer. I mean, it is what it is. ewwww...i hate that saying.

Okay, other guy, I just guessed "shipping!" and he said he works for an airline and he said well, it still fits because....He works in the CARGO department! whooo hoooo! I'm on a corndog roll tonight.

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