Friday, June 12, 2009


i don't feel inspired at all...BUT...

sneakers michael jackson back
baggy jeans, punk, slacker
smarter than the suits,
crewin' with the screwdriver
up with the game
here's to higher ground
up and up, and getting stuck
but jumping back to fix the odds
got the game, going around
the parameters, the center
thank you mother mary for the tequila
and for protecting me from the invalids who
have disabled hearts
leaky, tortured, arrthymic butterflies
fluttering at a gasp
intake of camilla
jasmine, night blooming gardenia
grapevines and clematis climbing
stretching for the view
hugging the heel of a tree
break tha glass floor
and the ceiling
swim freely up and down
with nothing holding you up
nothing cutting
no jagged glass to cut through
get through highs and the lows
upper and the lower
heaven and the hell
all one and the same
different players
same game.

big fish little fish
go fish go fish
catch big catch little
green fish black fish
green green green fish
splish splash wish wash
pish posh slish slosh
hogwash mosh mosh
tish tosh aplosh splosh
bitty batty bitter bosh
bash take may out lush
long time since you had
such a fine beautiful backhand
across a linen canvass
too bad you've been with the
wool and cashmere too long
you can't remember how it is
to feel pride
emanating from within
naked, we're not so different
some of us feel better the dark
red blood is hotter than

well, i just wrote that one, but not as a true philosophy of mine. I am not more for red blood than blue in any way, but used the idea to write with. I thought about writing one favoring blue and aspects of the connotations but didn't. I'll probably write one later.

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