Thursday, June 18, 2009


a screwdriver, an anvil,
a lock in the keyhole
pushing through the iron gate
into a secret garden
full of cherry blossoms, roses, begonias, ivy and hedge
rolling against the roughly hewn stone wall
shoulder to shoulder
with the standing upright
and turning with body pressed between a rock
and a calling in the distance
one on the inside

a long green toolbox outside
full of things
on the front line in the field
crouching over a grenade or line of wire
helmet on head
one knee down on the ground
putting something inbetween the teeth
to tie or tear or pull
body beware
lighting a match and running like hell
nothing to run to but a jeep full of military men
four of them

how the west was won
was not fair
was not cunning
was not a game of skill
but a violation of trust
the civilized claiming there was
something lacking
when the lacking wore pride
honored treaties
gave out of their hearts
berries pressed into a poison
she kissed his lips
his commanding officers and
lawyers, left generations of ruin
behind them
in the spilt blood and tears
it was never about fighting fair
the state was never interested in the truth
or in keeping promises or even in peace
breaking the backs
and then taking home stories of the savages
who decided to fight
only after it they had waited
and it was too late
to do anything
but accept their fate
or not
kings were reduced to slaves and servants
because of their commitment to word of honor
for 29 stabs in the back
there was one scalp
"you're so pretty" she said to me
"and you're smart," she said I was still young
and had time
"it's better to be ugly and dumb, as long as you are rich"
was my reply.
knowing a white flag looks like a kleenex
and something for the enemy to blow their nose on
knowing some of the rich like me more than the poor
i have enemies who are as poor as me,
but call me a half-breed
five long arrows and five horses
five men standing on a hill against the horizon orange
blood red tannins streaking sky

Jamestown 1683
violent night, violent night
all is satre, all aflight
"business to take care of"
big man in the kitchen with a suit and tie
steel pot of pasta
singing with the swans in the snow

Terrence Hill
that's a fine kettle of fish
sticking a finger down a throat
midnight and azure blue cobalt
the throat is red inside
if you look at the screen
red and blue mix together
blurring edges
fire and ice are such a bad combination
causing nothing but floods

you would if you wanted to
if you had to, you would
you'd jump, you'd run, and hike and haul
you'd do it all but not for love
you'd do it for the thrill
but not for love
you'd do it for the accolades
but not for love
you'd do it for a dying woman
but not for love
you'd do it for an empire
but not for love
i would do anything for love
but i won't do

my good luck chuck
who put the charm on my arm while I was sleeping
who raised it to the sun through the window in the morning
sun down, sun up, swirling in a tea cup
ears ringing blankie by the fire
who hired her?
i don't like her. i don't trust her. i think she's ill.
there's a man at the door. you get it this time.
i don't know why you don't take up smoking
it could be good for you
it would calm you down
sir choo choo of the trolleys
tram my ham

(no offense and just imaginary, not putting anything serious into this one)

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