Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Guesses Yesterday (Stromboni)

I made a stab at guessing things about this one guy. I said he was "winks, nods, and codes" and that there was more than met the eye. He grinned, or tried not to. I said there was something iron inside. He agreed to these things. Then I said,
"Something about a banker?" or "bankor?" and he said not really and I said, "Bankok" and he said, "I was born in Bankok, Thailand."

I said then, "Stromboni." He said, "That's Italian." I said, "Yeah?" He asked if I knew what that meant and I said no, I didn't, but since he knows a little Italian, could he fill me in? I told him, "I have no idea what stromboni means but something to do with you or someone you know or something..." and then I asked if he ice-skated and said maybe I was getting Zamboni. He said he was on a hockey team and he ice-skated a lot in his youth. I said, I saw ice skating but I don't know if Stromboni was just totally separate.

I don't know.

I am trying to get confirmation on what this other woman told me, about her arrest and everything and I think it's the truth, but I just want to confirm.

Once I do, I'll quit writing about these things and just send them over to the Rhine center lady who offered to begin cataloguing.

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