Saturday, June 6, 2009

Images & Impression Of A Raw Egg In Wine or Liquor

This was very strange this morning...this urge or idea or impression I had. I like to think someone somewhere does this and I just intuited it somehow and the idea came to my mind.

I took a bath and then the idea to have a glass of wine or something that is liquor, with a raw egg in it, came to mind. Well, lest I be described as nuts again, no this wasn't like an impulsive urge I couldn't resist. It was just something that came to mind, like an image captured from some other time, place, or country. Not saying I believe in a lot of "spirits" stuff. But i wondered how I even got the idea to put a raw egg in wine or liquor and I am looking this up and in some places they DO this!

I'll check it out a little and find out what I can find!

Also, when I wrote my last image, the word kept coming to mind and I don't know what it's for, but "diamond cutter". Diamond cutter has been on my mind for the last couple days, just that phrase or whatever. It first occured when I was writing the image I last wrote, the one with the rhymes in it. I almost added "diamond cutter" to the end of the image. But I didn't know how it fit in.

I don't think the egg thing and diamond cutter are related, but these are the most "unique" ideas that have come to mind lately.

I just looked up more about raw egg and there are a lot of cocktail recipes, but really, I was thinking about it in wine. I stopped by the refrigerator and poured just a very small amount of chardonnay into a glass. Less than half a glass. But I had this image of adding raw egg, a whole raw egg to it. But then I thought, no, it would be more palatable in red wine. And then I wondered if there were any recipes where this whole raw egg thing is done.

I found some Italian references. I think it's red wine they add the whole egg to. And for a children's remedy for a cold. Also, I found lots of cocktail recipes with it, some with just egg white and others with whole raw egg.

I found a white marsala (I thought marsala was always red) from italy, with a recipe that calls for raw egg white. And a chardonnay with a very small amount of raw egg in it.

Huh. I was wrong. Marsala is white. A sweet white. SO!

I am wondering what it would be like to add just a little bit of a stirred egg yolk and white mixture, with honey, into chardonnay. Would it be gross? Maybe a little bit of a flower essence too, but which one? and call it Aphrodite. But it might be really gross. I'd have to experiment. Which flower? I can't imagine lavendar, or lilac, or even rose. And I don't know how an oaky chardonnay would mix with sweet. maybe it would cut it nicely? Hmmm. I think something floral though. Would that turn it into an almost Moscoto? if not something floral, peach. Not apricot. Aha! Honeysuckle. Honeysuckle sounds right.

I just read that there is a traditional drink in or from Italy, which uses a white wine (Marsala) with sugar and whole raw egg. It's supposed to be an energy drink.

Hey! I found a version from England too, called "Egg Flip" and it's whole raw egg (with whites and yolk) mixed into spirits, wine, or beer. Oh wait, I don't know if it's from Ireland or England. Have to double check.

Hmm. I wonder what other countries have this concoction.

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