Monday, June 15, 2009

Letter to Wenatchee AG & CPS Requesting Compliance

Please Respond To Attempt To Comply With Services‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 6/15/09 8:57 AM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (

Hi Michelle,

I am writing again to request the department acknowledge the psychologist whom I've selected from the Wenatchee pool of psychologists.

He's left messages for the last two weeks and no one has called him back.

We are interested in getting the psychological evaluation done ASAP, and he just needs directives from you as to what you're looking for and what hours would be paid, how much, etc.

He is able to meet with me this week, if you will only call him back and give him assurance he can proceed and be compensated.

He is not available for TWO WEEK after this week, and so he said we should get this done this week, and I agree.

Will you please assist? I know the department has things set up here already, to make it easier for contracting, and basically, if you have paperwork to do that's fine, but he just needs the information from you to go ahead.

Also, he said he prefers to see what information you have against me first so he and I can go over this and discuss what is true or not true from my perspective, and what my thoughts were.

I am going to be in your offices today then, to visit Oliver and also, to sign any release forms to enable him to receive the "packet" you already had prepared for the last psychologist who backed out.

I would like for you to give him any and all of your supporting materials, for your concerns.



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