Monday, June 15, 2009

Woman Beat Down Into Dirt--Lucky Guess? ESP?

I just met this woman who I thought there was something special about and there is. I actually thought maybe she was the one I saw in my "image" the other day and maybe she is, maybe she isn't.

All I know, is there was a reason I was supposed to meet her and her daughter. I heard a little bit today. She just got diagnosed with cancer, and she has a harley, which is kinda cool (it's huge--a nice one), and I found out she was sort of screwed over by the system recently.

Attacked outside of a bar or club by a group of guards and bouncers, who circled her, beat her up, threw her on the ground, and it was dirt, and it was dark outside. She has dark brown/black hair and it's mainly sort of straight which is what I imagined. She was totally beat up and one of the guys she thinks is an actual officer because she saw him later. Everyone got off without charges except her, and the whole time they were yelling racial slurs.

She just got her daughter back, after her daughter was traumatized living with her Dad and mainly, his wife, her step-mom. She turned in on herself and became a cutter which has resolved but her mom finally got full custody, after $28,000.

Her daughter is so happy to be back with her mom.

At any rate, I don't know for sure, if this is what my image was about...but it's very close to what I was seeing. Uncanny, AND what's also strange, is that the first moment I turned around and saw her and her daughter, I KNEW I was supposed to meet them. I saw them and I approached and said, "I'm sorry, but I think we're supposed to meet" and then I said I just had a "feeling" and that I thought she had a story or some stories to share with me.

I also thought she might be the one I had seen in my image.

So then she started telling me what recently happened to her. She didn't volunteer everything--I asked, "Was this outside?" she said, "Yes". I asked, "Was this in the dirt?" and she said "yes" and I asked if they put her arms behind her back when she was down and she said she didn't remember how it was done, but they had put handcuffs on her while she was face down in the dirt, and waited for police to come. She remembered the band that was playing and it was something like "Two Roads". I'd have to ask her again.

It was bouncers and a guard, and she says she saw the exact same guard at the jail later, in uniform. She said they both recognized eachother.

They beat her up so badly, she had bruises, had to have surgery on her leg, and was bleeding from the gut, out all ends. I guess she had been somewhat obnoxious at a bar and they took her out and beat the shit out of her, and when she told them to get the hell OFF of her, and they kept beating her, she pulled a knife. It was basic self-defense.

She was charged with assault but no one else was charged and she was the only one without a criminal record. She said it was basic small-town justice, where someone knew someone and it was their word against hers. Not one person was charged for beating the shit out of her, even though there were full photographs and her bleeding was obvious.

She lost everything because of it--her license and her job, and her house. She never had a felony charge until this.

I am still wondering if this is all true, because it seems so strange I should single her out and then she has this story. So I wonder and want to check the record to confirm whether this is true or not. But I think it is and her 17 year daughter was there to agree it was true.

An intuitive guess about her was that she was artistic. I guessed this after I saw her handwriting for her phone number. I asked, "Are you an artist?" and she said yes and her daughter nodded. She showed me photos of her artwork. She really is and she's good. But that wasn't an "insight" really, more of an educated guess because I thought her penmanship showed signs of creativity.

I have to say, having said all this, that I still wonder if it has anything to do with the Asian-American journalists who were captured in N. Korea, because of the idea of a river or something around. I don't know where it came from but I'm still curious. I'll have to verify the story of this woman I just met and I'd like to know how the journalists were arrested too. We'll see. I am just wondering. If it's true what this woman I met said, it's incredible. But I am sort of in a state of disbelief still. I need some facts.

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