Monday, June 15, 2009

My Lucky & Not-so-Lucky Guesses

This guy came in, and on the end of writing about my quite lucky and right guesses, I asked if I could guess some things about him. He said sure. I told him, I'm never good when I try to manipulate this, it usually just strikes me out of nowhere if it's "real". But, here's to trying to see if this can be improved upon, I said, and he let me guess away. I had a lot of wrong guesses. I felt like a bad fortune-teller.

I said I saw a blond 6 year old girl. He doesn't have one and said, "Unless you count my furry friend" or something. His dog. His "girl". I laughed, and said oh, I was going to be so wrong about everything. I kept seeing this little girl, blond, about 6 years old or so. In a blue dress with a collar. Sort of curly hair or wavy. Shoulder length.

He said maybe it was for his future. I said maybe but I felt more uncomfortable with those kinds of guesses because how did I know if I was right or not? I like knowing if it's credible and can be checked on, if it's from the past or the present.

Then I asked if his grandfather was in the military (whose grandpa isn't!) and asked if he flew planes. I kept seeing someone flying planes. He said his grandfather was in the military but swabbed decks. I thought he said "swabbed ducks" and we laughed and he said his Dad tried to keep THAT assignment under wraps. He said, yeah, it was really embarrassing, the Q-tip detail. I said I saw an image in a white suit with a hat and he said yes but then I found out the hat his grandfather wore was different. More of the kleenex type of hat, and not the admiral's cap, though he said his grandfather may have had such aspirations. He was in the Navy or something. I kept seeing him and then asked if they were very close and he said not really. He said his grandfather had died a year ago.

I guessed more wrong things. I said, something "astronaut" or "aeronaut" or something in the sky, aerial. Something planes or flying. No.

So then I saw "french fries" and didn't know where that came from. He said he DID have a huge thing for curly fries and that he always chose curly fries and was VERY particular about his fries. I laughed and asked if he was kidding and he said no. He really has a very strong passionate leaning towards curly fries. Okay....NOW I'M GETTING SOMEWHERE (i thought...).

I then saw "Buddha" and said probably it was because I saw his bald head but didn't know why I thought this. He didn't look like a Buddist type. He looked like straight-up construction or something. He said he'd lived in Wenatchee most his life so I didn't think he could be that exotic. But he told me he studied Buddhism and that even his baldness he didn't originally consider to be a spiritual thing but now he did, he could see the stripping of vanity as beneficial. I said "China" and he said nothing about China. So that was a miss.

I said "Something "M"" and then said, machinery, mechanics, marriage...I don't know, something "M". He piped up and said he was a Massage Therapist by profession and gave me his card. Massage Therapist.

I laughed and said, "I am so awful at this..." he was nice about it. I told him I was never any good when I tried for it, but when it happened and I knew it was really real, it just hit me out of nowhere and there was nothing I could do about it. But I thought I'd try to practice a little bit. He told me to keep it up after giving me his business card and telling me to come for a free demo massage at a place.

Kinda cool huh? Some of the things I guessed, I would not guess intuitively about him. He didn't "look" like a massage therapist or a buddhist type. Here he is, with a bamboo image on his massage therapist cards. Sort of green, philosophical, and you wouldn't expect it. But I had some wrong guesses too. And I like to document when I'm wrong because I hope if it's a gift, I can improve upon it honestly, with a little help.

I don't know if I'm meant to "try" for things, and it's more frightening, because it's so "intended" or deliberate. I feel more "certain" when it's out of nowwhere, which should seem more along the lines of "I can't CONTROL it!" it seems more like mental illness, right? but it's not. For me, I have this "feeling" or sureness when I know it's absolutely right. Other times, I'm really just guessing and trying to go with the flow. But I was right on a couple things with this guy so maybe I can keep working on it.
I just guessed something about a woman working where I'm at. I guessed, first thing, right off the bat: "You've been divorced TWO times!"

She looked at me and said, "Damn straight."

I said, "Are you serious?" and she was completely serious.

I said, really???!!! and she said yes, she was divorced twice and that was it. I said I had a feeling those marriages had taken a lot out of her life. She said, "Not really." I said, "Why did you get divorced?" and she said, angrily, "The first one was a cheater and the second one abused me." She said she was with the second one 4 years. She's not married now.

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