Monday, June 15, 2009

Very Lucky Guesses About Roommates

I came home and told my housemates here, some of the Seven Dorks, that I had to practice and see if I made good guesses. So they said okay. I started out rough, making two "off" guesses about one guy. Then, I looked at him while he was talking to others and the idea came to me, "trampoline" and then "a very serious trampoline incident," and I asked him if he'd had a serious experience involving a trampoline.

He turned red and said YES and he would never forget because he was jumping on a trampoline once and one foot went through the mesh and the other went over the edge and he landed on the bar on his crotch.

I thought he was pulling my leg but he was TOTALLY serious! I am not kidding. I said, "you have to be kidding." I kept asking if he was just saying this and if he was joking and he wasn't!

THEN, get THIS, I turn to the other guy and he's playing a video game and I sit next to him on a different couch. I said, "Hmmmm..." and just went sort of blank and waited for something to come to me. Do you know what came to me? "Peaches and cream". I thought, "This is so weird." It sounded sort of sexual, and I didn't want to say to this guy, "Hey...peaches and cream!" so I just said, "Peaches" and then he grinned and laughed and I said, "It's not sexual!" and he said no and then I said, "Peaches and cream" and he cracked up laughing saying that was THE ONLY kind of instant oatmeal he would eat, for 2 or 4 years or more. He was totally INTO "peaches and cream" and ate 2 packet at a time. I thought he was just saying this again, and he said no, he was living in a single wide trailer with his Dad with one bed and someone was on the floor, and all he would eat was "peaches and cream" instant oatmeal. It was the only flavor he liked.

This gets even stranger. There was one "dwarf" or "dork" or "dwark" left to question at the moment. So I looked at him and thought he was going to be a hard read. But he was standing there, at the sliding doors, and all I could see was trees. Like pine trees. Trees though, was it. So I told him, "trees" but it was so general and I felt I should come up with something better. I asked him, "So what is it with trees?" and I asked him if he did something special in the trees or what. I asked if he'd been shooting in the trees. Using a gun or something. He said he'd grown up in Oroville where there are not a lot of trees but there was a grove of 20 and he'd climb them and he liked trees. I kept looking at him...NO...something else, what is it that involves TREES? and he finally said, "I want to work for the Forest Service." I laughed and said he must be joking. He stared at me and said no, he was serious. He told me he'd just picked up materials to apply and that's what he wanted to do. I told him I didn't believe it and said, "Okay then, show me." So he takes me back to his room and produces a piece of paper that says at the top: Employment with the USDA Forest Service. It's a paper about employment within the Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forests. I told him when he was standing there at the door, I just saw a bunch of trees around him. Something about being in the trees or doing something in the trees.

Before I guessed right about the first two guys, I asked if they thought I was decent at this and they said yes, that I had something, they thought.

I asked the third guy and he's a skeptic. He said, saying things like "trees" or "peaches and cream" are loose random associations anyone could relate to. I said, "But I wasn't thinking oatmeat when I saw peaches and cream" and he said, "exactly". I didn't think it should mean anything was my point and I was embarrassed to say it out loud. Then, I said, "Yeah trees is general." But the thing that's weird is that I told him I saw him doing something in the trees and kept asking what was it with "trees" that he was into or whatever and then he produces this employment with forest service paper. I said to him, "But the trampoline thing is specific" and he said, "True."

I don't know. But three for three, in a row, is pretty good, random or not. I just wish I could confirm everything so I know who is or isn't pulling my leg. The tree thing was sort of confirmed by the forest service stuff, or it made sense at least. I believe the other guys too, they're not malicious or ill-intentioned, but still, I wonder.. I want to know for myself, when I'm totally right or wrong.

This one guy I tried to guess things about...the first thing that came to mind was "bi" but I couldn't say it. I guessed a ton of other stuff and nothing fit. Finally, I just said, "bi" and he turned bright red and laughed and everyone laughed but he said no. Who knows...maybe it was the only thing I was right about with him. I was wrong about everything else and I tried guessing about 7 different things about him and all of them wrong.

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