Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Psych Eval Strategy

I'm going to go to any old Wenatchee psychologist who all the lawyers in town say are all crappy. If they're all crappy, well, so they say, and maybe the psychologists might like to side with me, and give me a good review, to spite what the whole town says about them. If they side with the state, it's WENATCHEE, and how does it hold water if they say anything negative? It's like battleship down. Say something nuts about me, and evaluate me wrong, and a lot of people will know. Those who want to get their fake digs in, might be happy, but it's not like I'm being evaluated by an objective party if they're from Wenatchee AND paid by Washington state, the state I want to sue. But who knows, there was always that Farmer's PIP guy, the doctor who was being paid by Farmer's Insurance, who I could REALLY tell needed the money and needed support from Farmers', and he just took pity on me, seeing what the truth was, and refused to buckle and gave me a GOOD review, stating all my injuries were in fact caused by my accidnet which made it necessary for Farmers' to pay out. So there are, every now and then, good streaks of luck.

I think the main thing is getting it done, and if it holds water, it does and if it doesn't, everyone will know and it's the psychologists' reputation on the line really, not mine. I know enough people have met me and conversed with me and lived with me and worked with me, to know what's up.

I also have someone who is willing to do an independent one in tandem so if the state guy is way off, it will be more glaring.

I'm not even going to say what the other part of my strategy is, because it is a SECRET. For now.

You'll all know about it later, after-the-fact.

Stay posted. ;)

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