Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Son's Identity and The Ignorance Of Wenatchee Justice System

I think it is time to capitalize on the gross, gross, errors of the Wenatchee justice system. I think I should focus on the latest comment by Anonymous who seems very interested in making me out to be the bad person here. Why? Probably because the Wenatchee justice system: judges, most lawyers, and most police, are hideous and write false or erroneous reports all the time. Some of the most deficient "investigations" and reports come straight from Wenatchee's "finest". I am just hopeful that some new guys are being recruited to come in and go undercover and kick some Wenatchee Screw Off ass (I forgot to go to church today...will have to make it an evening service to pray forgiveness for my swearing).

If anyone has been following, this "Anonymous" has been writing all these comments, trying to make me sound like I'm the one who has done something wrong. I call it as I see it: Wenatchee attorney red herrings.

Here is another copy of the last exchange:

Anonymous said...
On September 15, 2005 a Domestic Violence No Contact Order was issued in Cause No. C17018CHS. Your signature is on that No Contact Order. Cameo, you were arrested on a domestic violence call, which you made. Originally court was scheduled for November 16, 2005 and then changed to December 7, 2005. On December 5, 2005 the case was dismissed. This was due to the fact Mr. and Mrs. Baird would not fill out a police report on the incident of Domestic Violence because they did not want to see you face jail time. You were not bailed out by them due to the fact there was a no contact order issued. Get the facts straight! It was not because you assaulted Mrs. Baird, that was at an earlier date.
You had been kicked out of their house previous to that. You were asked to leave their residence and you did not. Your uncle was present at the time and politely (not forcefully) escorted you out of the house and you then called the police and reported domestic violence. In the State of Washington, someone is arrested on a domestic violence call. The police visited both Mr. and Mrs. Baird, as well as their son and determined you were the one to be arrested.
The domestic violence arrest was not for "assault," it was determined by your call as domestic violence.

June 21, 2009 3:38 PM
Mama said...
Dear Anonymous,

Are you willing to stand corrected? If so, read carefully, because you're misinformed, and if this is what a report says, it is wrong and I can back up the correct version which is:

1. There was never a call made by me for domestic violence. I had actually already moved out of the residence, which can be attested to by several latino orchard workers, whom I lived with for weeks prior to trying to get remaining belongings from the house. In fact, I had been out of the house for at over a month, because, my dear, I became pregnant by one of the workers. So you want the facts? Yes. My son is a son of a Mexican orchard worker and I am proud to say so and to also state I didn't sleep around and that ALL of the workers treated me with more respect than the entire rest of Wenatchee.

Your claim I was still living there is false, and any police report making such a claim is false. I wouldn't have known I was pregnant if I hadn't been at least one month along and I had been there over a month.

For the rest of the story, the TRUE version, go to my next "new post" which I'll make especially for you, and for all of the world, to prove what kind of accuracy was made in the "police report" and to what degree I've been defamed.

Could I sue the county and the city? My dear, when you bring it up, now that I think about it, since I have so many ways of proving them wrong, perhaps I SHOULD.

2. I DO believe it likely police told my family that I made a call regarding domestic abuse, which would have put my family on the defensive. The only call I made, was for a police assist in order to get the REST of my belongings out of the house peacefully. I may have mentioned there were some issues, but I did NOT make a "report" or call to make a report of domestic violence.

I made a very simple call to police asking for an assist to get some things, period. The police CHOSE to turn the whole thing around and into something else. The police had done this for me earlier, a month earlier in fact, when I originally MOVED OUT. So this was the second time I called, because the first time, I had two guys help me with my things. Sgt. Moore claims he was one there and the only one. Moore is a liar and not someone I would trust on the drug taskforce. That guy will lie for whatever suits him best, either for the state in prejudice of defendants, or if he'd do that, he'd probably take a bribe from the other side too. Moore wasn't alone. There was a dark haired officer there and he was the one I remember and he said that if I needed another assist, to call and let them know.

I went, originally, to police, for an assist with a cousin of the family. So it was in about mid-August or earlier that I first got a few things, with no problem, due to the fact the dark-haired officer was there to cushion and protect me from Moore. I got some things and moved into a house with some workers.

I never had a problem with any of the workers and they didn't come onto me at all but respected my privacy and I had respect for them too. They also didn't do any drugs around me. The only thing I ever saw was minor drinking. They were more supportive of me, at that time, than my own family. I had my computer and printer over at their place and I didn't worry about it.

3. So right off the bat, the police report is totally wrong. And it is something I can prove wrong too. When I called police, it was to obtain more things from the house and that was it.

4. Right after my grandmother pushed me in the stomach, being upset to hear about the pregnancy, and having Alzheimers (it wasn't her fault), I went to the shop and called from THERE, to several family members, telling them what had happened and asking someone to go up and be with Granny because I thought she was upset to hear my news and was in one of those "moods".

5. When my grandmother and I had this situation, where she pushed me and I held her arms from harming me, gently, we were ALONE. No one else was there. Not my uncle as the report claims, or anyone else. It was me and Granny period. The police didn't have a witness statement because there was...DUH...NO WITNESS.

6. Right after I made calls from the shop, Pat Baird said she'd send Loren up. That was the last thing I heard. I never even SAW Loren Baird, my uncle that day. I didn't see anyone except Granny.

7. I drove to the police station, to request an assist to simply get some belongings. I was told they'd go up and talk to people and then meet me. So I said okay and they asked where I would be and I was at the worker house.

8. That evening, at 12 p.m., or right before midnight, THREE OFFICERS came knocking on the worker house, where I'd be staying for over a month or more. A woman, Duke, I believe, or some female officer, told me I was under arrest for "assault". I had never been so shocked. I said, what? and was peaceful and they said I had to go with them for assaulting Granny. It was absolutely a lie and I absolutely did NOT assault my Granny.

I "assaulted" Granny just like I "stole a car" most recently. Right. Do you get this? I know the guy with the car set me up with police involvement, but my family did not. They were probably afraid because the POLICE tried to tell them I'd filed a no-contact order against them and accused them of domestic violence, which I did NOT do. If there was a no-contact order, it was made by police and they got my signature on it by telling me something for some reason. I didn't and wouldn't have tried to get one on Granny or anyone else. This was a case of police TRYING to set me and my family at odds and trying to cause trouble.

9. When police went to the house that night to talk to my grandma and grandpa, Loren was also there. If police said I was accusing them of domestic violence, I know Loren and my grandfather would have been defensive and Granny may have been worried too, but she knew I didn't do anything. They didn't take photos because there was nothing. And again, Loren "saw" nothing and my grandpa "saw" nothing, because they WERE NOT THERE. It was me and Granny and I would never, ever, harm my grandmother, for any reason.

10. No one bailed me out because no one in my family WANTED to bail me out. Period. I found out from Mexican workers that my own grandfather and Loren were discouraging anyone from helping me, telling the workers I needed "help" and that I was "paranoid" which Loren started saying to people after I told him if he tried to forcably restrain me again (which he did at the house), I would call police. My grandfather's response was to threaten me that if I ever did say anything to police, he would see to it, that I was out on "the streets" and would suffer for it. So, Loren basically, in my opinion, assaulted me or restrained me from leaving a room during an argument when I was trying to leave, and told everyone it was a "hug" and that I was "paranoid" to think it was anything more. Really, in my opinion, a "hug" doesn't last for 15 minutes with one party yelling at the other to "let me go!" and finally, "If you don't let me go, I'll call police!"

After this happened, with Loren, it would have put Loren and grandpa on the defensive, so if police went up saying I was complaining about domestic violence, they would have gone on the defensive.

After what happened with Loren however, I actually went to counseling. I felt traumatized by what had happened. My uncle had forced me from leaving a room and then I was threatened by my grandfather and when I told my parents and family, they sided with Loren. The Clan. My father was the only one to say he knew something about Loren and that if it ever happened again, to let him know and to stay away from Loren. So I went to a counselor, who DOCUMENTED this whole incident prior to the police coming to "arrest" me for "assaulting Granny" which I didn't do. The fact I had this counseling record, made it easy to show why Loren might have motive to make ME look bad, to defend himself.

11. The case was thrown out, not because "Mr. and Mrs. Baird" didn't want me to see "jail time". I had ALREADY seen "jail time". I had been in jail for 14 days while pregnant and no one bailed me out. There were never even grounds to send me to jail to begin with. They didn't even have ONE statement and yet Warren put me away for 14 days and later said, "Huh? You don't even have a witness statement?" The police had told him they had reasonable cause and they had nothing. All they had was their own drummed up report which was false. And these were the officers who arrested me, while telling me to my face, "Oh, police know who YOU are from Oregon to Washington state. We KNOW you're smart!" (there was this big rumor that I could kill others with my delightful wit).

On the other hand, while my own family did NOTHING, the Mexican workers brought money to me so I had something to buy things from the 'store' with.

12. The case was thrown out, after my own public defender couldn't get me to agree to a plea bargain under coercion and at the behest and request of the Prosecuting Attorney for Wenatchee. I had not done anything wrong. But these people really wanted something on me. I told my public defender, "I want a jury trial. I am innocent." I told him there was a counseling record, which supported me, and that there was also a Rivercom report which documented Granny admitting to poliCE SHE had hit me, on another occasion or that same day. She admitted to assaulting me, on a recorded police call. Which I have never blamed Granny for, but it stemmed from Alzheimers and it's not her fault. So there was 1. counseling record, 2. Rivercom record (which I obtained), and then other stuff besides, and the fact that I didn't even do anything and Granny wouldn't lie just because the police wanted her to lie, and there were no other witnesses.

My public defender refused to get the evidence I asked him to get. Oh, the other stuff was character witnesses. I went out and got the Rivercom record on my own and then all of a sudden, after pressuring me to plead guilty to something I did NOT do, he mumbled over the phone to the D.A. and they had me go to court. Next thing I know, the boss for the public defender's office, is sidling up next to me in court right before I was to go before Nakata. He whispered to me that if I didn't take the plea deal, I had to go to trial the very next day, with NOTHING and I would lose and have my baby in jail and have it taken away from me. I told him no, I was NOT going to trial the next day because they'd not obtained evidence for my case. He started to walk out and talked to my original PD who then came in. I was so panicked after that, I stood up for MYSELF and told Nakata I was not ready for trial and I wanted a jury trial but my public defenders hadn't obtained evidence that would prove me innocent. Nakata was surprised but very understanding and said I could have a continuance, which I requested, to obtain evidence. I was going to have a jury trial! When my own PD and his Big Man couldn't force me to take a plea deal which would have screwed up my records, they HAD to drop everything. They had NOTHING and they didn't want the other evidence coming out.

This is why I believe a lot of people in Wenatchee get really harmed by the system here. There are not zealous defenders. If anything, my own PD was working with the D.A. to screw me over on something they KNEW I wasn't guilty for.

13. Final correction. At the end you say my uncle was there and escorted me out. You claim I was asked to leave the residence. I had already moved out, of my OWN accord, over a month earlier, because of Granny's erratic behavior. No one asked me to leave, I left on my own and went to live with the Mexican workers and told them about everything. They all knew. As for Loren being there that day, he never was. I never even saw Loren that day. I saw Granny, alone, and then went to the shop and made calls to family. Pat, Loren's wife, said he would go up there to check on Granny and then I never went back to the residence. I didn't want to go back there without an officer to help me get my things so I asked for an officer assist and waited at the other house, where I was arrested for something I didn't do, without even reasonable cause. It was a false arrest.

The entire report is wrong. The police, you know, lie. Not all, but some do. And some of the police are really good and very honest. I've met really good ones. I don't dislike police, in general. But there are some really bad ones too. You have to be careful. The D.A. really wanted to make this look like something. When the Judge, Judge Warren, finally asked them for "something" he was shaking his head, saying, "You don't even have a WITNESS STATEMENT?" and asked them what they'd used to jail me and charge me with.

14. Not only had I publicized the fact I was talking to a reporter the very next day, about what happened with the FBI and some Wenatchee police profiling and getting pulled over by cops, state or other, all the time, I was also trying to file for bankruptcy before deadlines and when they jailed me, I lost out on the statute. The police told my grandparents to throw all my stuff into boxes, papers which I'd left behind. I found out it was improper for police to tell my grandparents to do this. My grandparents hadn't kicked me out of the house. But the police told them to put all my stuff in boxes on the porch. And then, interestingly enough, a report gets written up which makes it sound like I'd been evicted or something, which isn't true. I remember I was told it was wrong for police to tell my grandparents to do this, because it wasn't like I'd been kicked out or there was a reason to just throw my stuff out of the house.

I had made a trip one time to get some things and then that day I was arrested, all I was doing, was trying to do the same thing--get a few things out of storage so I was eventually moving my belongings out. But I'd been living with the Mexican workers, like I said, for over a month.

So, you see! You're wrong! And the report made by the D.A. and police is wrong! And, if we want to start asking some of my Mexican friends what the timeline was, I am quite sure they can confirm my story.

:) Thanks for your excellent inquiry into my affairs.

And yes, all the Mexican workers knew I was only with one person and that I'd been there quite awhile before becoming pregnant. I knew the father for close to 6 months first. From the time they arrived, that early spring, I visited and was friendly. And they invited me to have dinner with them and to chat and we did and then when I needed a place to go, they welcomed me and cooked for me and I cleaned the place for them in return. I would say I'd been living there maybe 2 months before the police arrested me. It wasn't like I'd been "kicked out" of the other house.


Finally, Anonymous, that's not why my son was taken. It had nothing to do with any of this. It had everything to do with the medical malpractice issue and that was the only thing brought up, though the state DID try to bring THIS incident up, which was totally improper because I wasn't convicted of any crime or misdemeanor and since it was totally thrown out, it is not "evidence" at all, for this dependency.

But the state, the same old Wenatchee people, have tried to throw it back in my face. But it's not evidence and it was thrown out because it didn't happen. Imagine though, if I had plead guilty in a plea bargain when I didn't even do it. I would have had a record. I do not have a record, but I do believe some are not giving up even though I've never done anything illegal, other than try smoking pot for medicinal reasons, in my life. And yes, smoking pot is illegal, on a federal level, but it is legal in Washington for medicinal reasons and it really does help prevent migraine. Other than that, I swear, with God and all the angels as my witnesses and constant companions, I've not done anything illegal, at least not that I can think of, knowingly. Absolutely, I've never done anything that harms another person or made any threat to harm someone. I never could and haven't yet.

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