Sunday, June 21, 2009

The AG, or Wenatchee's Prosecuting Attorney, Or Officer?

I think this "Anonymous" here wants to dis' me for justification of the system. My guess, from the writing, is that it's someone with an invested interest, like a lawyer or an officer. My guess? Lawyer. More distinguished guess? AG attorney. I say, to this attorney or Somebody Who Knows It All-- "You Want A Piece Of Me" by Britney Spears. Your penance for being totally wrong but for highlighting the gross errors of the justice system in Wenatchee, is to listen to this song 20 times this evening, as you are drafting your next post. Pick up the pace, hommie.

Anonymous said...
On September 15, 2005 a Domestic Violence No Contact Order was issued in Cause No. C17018CHS. Your signature is on that No Contact Order. Cameo, you were arrested on a domestic violence call, which you made. Originally court was scheduled for November 16, 2005 and then changed to December 7, 2005. On December 5, 2005 the case was dismissed. This was due to the fact Mr. and Mrs. Baird would not fill out a police report on the incident of Domestic Violence because they did not want to see you face jail time. You were not bailed out by them due to the fact there was a no contact order issued. Get the facts straight! It was not because you assaulted Mrs. Baird, that was at an earlier date.
You had been kicked out of their house previous to that. You were asked to leave their residence and you did not. Your uncle was present at the time and politely (not forcefully) escorted you out of the house and you then called the police and reported domestic violence. In the State of Washington, someone is arrested on a domestic violence call. The police visited both Mr. and Mrs. Baird, as well as their son and determined you were the one to be arrested.
The domestic violence arrest was not for "assault," it was determined by your call as domestic violence.

June 21, 2009 3:38 PM
Mama said...
Dear Anonymous,

Are you willing to stand corrected? If so, read carefully, because you're misinformed, and if this is what a report says, it is wrong and I can back up the correct version which is:

1. There was never a call made by me for domestic violence. I had actually already moved out of the residence, which can be attested to by several latino orchard workers, whom I lived with for weeks prior to trying to get remaining belongings from the house. In fact, I had been out of the house for at over a month, because, my dear, I became pregnant by one of the workers. So you want the facts? Yes. My son is a son of a Mexican orchard worker and I am proud to say so and to also state I didn't sleep around and that ALL of the workers treated me with more respect than the entire rest of Wenatchee.

Your claim I was still living there is false, and any police report making such a claim is false. I wouldn't have known I was pregnant if I hadn't been at least one month along and I had been there over a month.

For the rest of the story, the TRUE version, go to my next "new post" which I'll make especially for you, and for all of the world, to prove what kind of accuracy was made in the "police report" and to what degree I've been defamed.

Could I sue the county and the city? My dear, when you bring it up, now that I think about it, since I have so many ways of proving them wrong, perhaps I SHOULD.

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