Sunday, June 21, 2009

Psychologists Who Support Me

Here is my list of psychologists who have supported me, knowing or not, most recent to last:

1. 1999. John Fishburne. Wenatchee's BIG CPS pick. Refused to do psych eval because his lawyer told him not to, that he'd be unemployed and make people in the town mad if he ruled in my favor, as not having a severe mental illness.

So John saved himself, but he wouldn't have done this if he didn't already know how this was going to turn out--with my tests coming out fine and nothing bad or really wrong to say about me. He also said it was odd CPS claimed I was "paranoid schitzophrenic" when this disorder does not have such a late onset of symptoms. He said if it's paranoid-schitz, or parnoia, the onset is mid-20s, not the 30s or early 30s and he said it's strange I was fine and productive, earning a 3.6 GPA and working and paying rent with no problems until, suddenly, "childbirth" and my claim of damages from childbirth.

I consider refusing to do a diagnostic because he's afraid I'll be "normal" to be a vote of support for me.

2. 1999. Debra Neuman. Wenatchee's big CPS pick from Maryland--I let them CHOOSE HER. Refused to do psych eval if I could record it and publish recordings, because she wanted her reputation intact if she decided to rule in favor with the state's claims. If she ruled the way the state wanted, and I was able to publish my content of communications, she knew it could damage her reputation.

I consider the fact that she even CARES what some "allegedly mentally ill woman" might write about her, to be a vote of confidence for the the fact that I am credible and not actually mentally ill.

3. 1998-1999. Sheppard Salusky. Seattle forensic and clinical psychologist who does contract work for the FBI, who had communications with me for maybe 3 months and talked with me in person. Knows I'm not bipolar and definitely not, as he said, "paranoid schitzophrenic." Can't evaluate me because he dated me. But he didn't know about my case while he was dating me and got to observe me "as is" without all that, and then when I told him my story, he still knew the state was wrong. I did not have intimate relations with him--I kissed him once and that was it. Nothing more than one kiss. Oh, and I didn't know he did anything with the FBI either, until I had met him for the second date in person or something. I never knew before so it's not like I had or have a conscious thing for FBI employees.

He said claims of "pain" being psychosomatic were ridiculous because it's actually exceedingly rare for someone to experience this kind of disorder, psychosomatic pain. He said pain is subjective for one thing, and most often really felt, so he believed I took painkillers because of legitimate pain.

He also said there was absolutely no way I could ever be classified as "paranoid schitzophrenic". He said the conversation of someone who is paranoid schitzophrenic unravels and is non-sensical after the first hour and certainly after 3 hours. He communicated with me by email in writing, and then over the phone, and then in person on more than one occasion for an entire evening.

4. 1997-1998. Paul ---. Mental Health professional for Wenatchee CPS for 20 years before fleeing to Canada during the Wenatchee Witch hunt, where he became a TARGET because he questioned the tactics of the state in prosecuting innocent parents. Paul spoke with me at length, for over an hour on different occasions and by email and stated, from his standpoint and experience, there was no way the Wenatchee CPS claims held up. He said I was definitely not experiencing any kind of serious mental health disorder, in his opinion, and felt if anything, I was experiencing a temporary "Adjustment Disorder" which he said would be a natural response to the trauma of having my son removed from my care. Paul did not buy the state's claim at ALL.

5. 1997. Two Mental Health professionals. Two different and independant men whom Wenatchee Central Washington Hospital ER doctors called in. BOTH men, BOTH mental health professionals from Wenatchee, refused to go along with what the CWH doctors wanted them to do and say. They talked with me, each of them, first one, for over and hour, and then the other for over an hour and then together, and they were confused as to why the doctors were so angry and SO insistent that I be found with some kind of mental defect or illness. The state has constantly left out the fact that it was TWO, not just ONE individual, who spoke with me prior to my and my son's departure for Canada. CPS and the Wenatchee AG want to make it sound like there was only one guy, and so what, but there were TWO, and BOTH concurred there was nothing wrong with me and they refused to do what the CWH doctors wanted them to do. They were not only pressured, they were being threatened by the CWH doctors, to find something wrong with me.

When these guys wouldn't go along with them, the doctors came in and angrily told me they were going to call CPS and have CPS "do something" about me and they were going to make sure my son was taken from me. After this threat, after they'd already been trying to make reports to CPS about me to slander me, all which were "unfounded", I left with my son to Canada, legally. There was no protective order on my son and I had a legal right to go to Canada with Oliver. I did not violate any laws.

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