Sunday, June 21, 2009

Response To Comment: Hump and Dump

I didn't have enough room, but this is a response to a woman who wrote a comment to my post: Advice On How To Control Me.


I did nothing to myself OR to my son to warrant his removal from me at any time.

If you haven't been reading along, the state's position against me, all along, has been supposedly because I was "delusional" to think I and my son had medical injuries from childbirth and the claim that I was drug seeking when really, I was prescribed narcotics for pain the Wenatchee docs knew I had.

The entire hearing was based on the idea that all these Wenatchee medical professionals believed I was mentally ill to claim I had any injuries. Not one of the reports to CPS came from anyone EXCEPT Wenatchee medical professionals, who KNEW I was trying to sue them for medical malpractice.

Since being in Wenatchee, I have been falsely arrested for "assault" of my grandmother which was THROWN out because it didn't happen. There was not a witness, or a witness statement to support it and I had a ton of email which I sent to my own family telling them about Granny's alzheimers and how she was going into fits. Not only that, I had gone to a counselor about it, who had records, AND there is a Rivercom tape where Granny admits to hitting ME. It wasn't the other way around. I have never been violent torwards anyone. On the same day I was "arrested", it was right before I was going to talk to a Wenatchee World reporter about the FBI sexual harassment claim I had made against Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza.

Granny's own Dr., Dr. Freed, agreed with me she was in the stages of Alzheimers.

On the day of the alleged incident, the claim was that I "held" my grandmother down. That's not what happened. I had just told Granny I was pregnant and she pushed me in the stomach so I reached out to hold her arms away from my stomach and said, "Granny, you can't do that anymore, I'm pregnant." I basically held her arms to the side so she couldn't strike me in the stomach.

I was arrested for that. Right after it happened, I had called my own family and told them someone should be with Granny because she was acting out again, which I'd been reporting to them.

I was trying to move my things out of the house, which I stayed in to help assist her while she had a broken back injury, and called the Wenatchee police to help me get my things assisted. I think my family panicked and thought I'd "reported" someone so they made claims I held Granny's arms. The next thing I knew I was being arrested for "assault" which I never committed. No marks, no bruises, and my grandmother basically confirmed what I said, that I held her arms to the side.

So that got blown up and I was in jail for 14 days, which I've been told I should have sued for. During that time, guards refused to give me kites or paper and when I finally got it, they were refused filing by Judge Warren, which is illegal.

Thereafter, I was "banned" from the hospital after I complained to them about their repeated refusal to treat me for migraine. Dr. Butler had a pain contract for me to receive morphine to control the pain and he WITHDREW it after I questioned why he was just feeding me narcotic painkillers after childbirth and NOT doing diagnostics to find out what was wrong.

Anything recent that's occured, has been outright lies. Most recently, I had one man tell me to borrow his car and then he had someone ELSE call the police and say it was HER car that was stolen. As it turns out, it was his all along and he was the one telling me to use it. So I was flat out framed and who knows why other than to cause problems.

Officer Duke was the arresting officer and she was the same one arrresting me on false charges for "assault" of my grandmother. The evidence was SO strong AGAINST my own family and Granny, that the state didn't want to go to trial at all and dropped everything. They knew what my evidence was.

As for an anti-harassment order filed by John Kaemf, that is a lawyer, a main lawyer for the Abbey, where all my problems began and when police were first used against me, for the church's civil means. It was dirty and they've tried to cover for that and discredit me ever since. I had just told Kaempf I was filing an anti-harassment order against him for contatcting GRANNY about ME, and threatening HER, and he whipped arond and got Judge Warren to push something through for him on default.

Hmmm... what else? oh, I guess the last thing would be an accusation that I held a knife and threatened my housemate which is shocking insomuch as she calls herself a christian, and a missionary too. This woman CHEATED with my fiance, and didn't like it that I caught her and wrote the whole world about it so she turns around and totally lies.

Not only that, she knew my fiance before they ever met, and HOW I have no idea, except there is some idea in my mind that if she's doing "missionary" work in Brazil, and he's working for the state in Colombia, they're connected through a government agency and want to slander me for their own cover.

When I was in D.C., and meeting all these people, I had more than sufficient reason to guess I was dealing with state or Dept. of State or CIA employees. I was being primed to work between the U.S. and Colombia and I said no. They were offering ettiquette and checking my literacy skills and a bunch of other stuff, and Alvaro knew people at the courthouse who were working for the govt.

It was a hump and dump, plain and simple. They wanted me and then they changed their minds.

Hump and dump, courtesy of the U.S. or who knows, joint courtesy with Colombia, because I met the U.S. point person for Colombia in the very beginning--Carolina. Then, I'm meeting Calvin Shersteen or whatever, with the Seattle branch of the Department of State and he approached me as someone coming out of Colombia. I still have his business card. He came into a cafe I frequented, with a bunch of other guys and apprcached me and he was there the whole time for this.

I'm not saying Alvaro didn't play two sides of a fence, but I would hesitate to be either side and be confident enough to say he was really for the one team. He wasn't with just one team. He was with two.

Why in the world he'd want to fuck up a good thing with me for a little oral with Mykal Holt is beyond me. He could have held onto me and I could have developed, possibly, a very real thing for him, but I don't tolerate cheating.

You're either with me, or you aren't, and you don't fuck around with me in a small town, even if you think you're all covered up in your little House on the Prairie. Mykal and Alvaro or Alvaro's entourage are better suited to him though. He thinks he's hot stuff and wants some woman adoring his shoes but tearing the hell out of his back for it. Both Mykal and Alvaro thought they were more important than they are.

I caught both of them.

I think I'm the one who is on top. Yeah, so I'm the one who is broke, alone, and has a bunch of bogus legal claims made against me, and my son taken away. At the same time, I'm the one with the brains and the balls, and that's WHY this is happening.

Sorry, but deal with it. Meanwhile, Mykal pulls this total lie to completely screw me over with, and the whole time, I'm staring at her in court, with her messed up black and white striped shirt ensemble, and I'm feeling SORRY for HER.

They were stupid. They played stupid, they got caught, and they wanted to keep their own covers so they lied about me.

Why anyone would hire Mykal for any kind of state job is beyond me. But she is not a real missionary. I know what real Christians look like, whether they are Catholic or Protestant, and they don't act the way she's acted. She had a full on fling with my fiance, who she supposedly believed was married to me but all along, I'm sure she knew he wasn't. Then, her whole thing with taking ME to court and lying about me and claiming I'm a METH user and psychotic and that I held a KNIFE??? is just dirty. I don't know any real missionaries who lie and make false claims that someone is making violent threats. If she had been try8ing to help me and my son to begin through, she turned around and treid to totally screw me over so that I never, ever, got my son. Is that what a real christian looks like? No, I don't think so. So in that regard, I think this woman is using "missionary" work in Brazil as a cover for getting into Brazil for some reason.

This is a very old and unoriginal cover for going overseas with frequency. The whole "missionary" claim. But then, there are true missionaries who are falsely accused of espionage and they're very sincere and only there to help and for religious, not political, reasons.

Because of Mykals conduct and my observation of her storytelling abilities, including her boshed attempt to cover her oral affair with Alvaro, I have no reason to believe she is going to Brazil for "religious" work.

Some people who work for agencies, all they do is deliver messages. I would hope she's not higher up on the chain than that. If she is, this country is SCREWED.

One thing I know, he didn't go after her. She was trying to seduce him and I noticed from the third day or so when she was pissed I came out of the bedroom, too early from my "nap". She had dinner out for him and was leaning over the table in a suggestive manner with an extremely low-cut shirt and cleavage pushed together, and a ton of make up on. Her body language was unmistakeable, as was her annoyance that I came out "too early". She actually told me to go back to bed to finish my nap.

Then, when he left she told me not to "go after him". I looked at her and said why did she think I was "going after him" when I was the one to tell him to pack his bags?

Then Mykal tells me I'm "lucky" I didn't end up with the Colombians and she thinks God "spared" me from the chopping block.

Reaaaally. She's telling me she thinks I was spared and is now bad-mouthing Alvaro. The Colombians were, at least, a lot more FUN than she's been. I still miss them, actually, I just didn't know who to trust. But I do like their culture and have nothing negative to say about it. They also did more for me, in some ways, than others have.

I haven't been intimate with anyone since Alvaro, even though I've been encouraged and pressured to be. I don't feel like I need to rush into anything, regardless of what the issues with others are.

One thing I know, Mykal is NOT a "real missionary". And I'd rather see him with the woman who cuts "pelicula's" than Mykal Holt.

How ironic Mykal says I was "spared" and then she deliberately skews me. And as for Alvaro, if he was ever trying to help me or loved me, he could have kept his pants on and his hands to himself. He could have done that for my son at least, or been honest with me so I wasn't throwing him out the door. I could have handled a mistake or two, but he had to be honest about it.

No one cared enough about my son to think about my son. To this day, no one does, except me.

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