Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Other Noted Police Involvement Day Of False Arrest

The other thing I want to mention now, is the fact that on the day I was arrested for supposedly "stealing a car", which I didn't do, when I left the house that day, it was early in the morning.

It was about 6 a.m. or so in the morning because I looked at the clock and didn't want to wake Jeff, the guy who said he owned the car. I woke him up because I wanted to get an early start, and I asked his permission. He was in the other room with his door open and he said, yes, I could take the car.

What was odd, when I left, I thought, was the fact that there was a Wenatchee police officer sitting across the street. When I was driving away, one Wenatchee patrol car got behind me and followed me the whole way and the a SECOND patrol car approached as well. There were TWO Wenatchee patrol cars behind me, following me closely until I hit an intersection near the McDonalds.

I felt nervous, because I didn't know what was going on. They knew it was me. ALSO, THEN a Chelan County patrol car, a beige one, also pulled out and joined.

I saw THREE patrol cars following me that very morning, and following very closely. Then they left. I went straight to the computer place and that's all I did all day.

I was approached by the Department of the Interior guy who took me to lunch and told me about U.S. experiments and nuclear and electric stuff.

Then, when I showed up at the house, later that afternoon, I was confronted by a woman who said I'd stolen HER car. And then, on and on.

Something Duke said which I thought was interesting, was that this woman called police right away. According to what I was told, her bus from out of town didn't get in until after 9 a.m. So, if she didn't call until she knew "her" car was gone (and I was not told it was her car), why were there

THREE patrol cars waiting for me at 6 a.m. in the morning and following me?

I know I felt it was a form of harassment at the time, that someone was trying to make a point.

There were guards or police in the courthouse too, who were pulling stuff on me, and I'll get into that later.

IS it "safer" for me NOT to write about this? And let it continue unchecked or without documentation?

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