Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wenatchee Police Destroy Evidence: Erase Video Footage Of Me & My Son

When I was arrested on so-called "Auto Theft" Officer Duke and Officer Huson took all my belongings to the Wenatchee police station and put them in "storage". They went through my purse and other bag, and I checked my videocamera afterwards, to see if 2 1/2 hours of footage of a visit between me and my son was there, and it's not.

Someone erased it and the only people who had access to my things were the Wenatchee police. Not only that, this was authorized footage prior to any court orders and it proves the visits between me and my son did not fit the monitor's descriptions.

I had two other video cards and they were in my bag and I've not checked yet to see if the footage was erased on these ones.

Not only is the footage erased, I have confirmed at least two of my business cards were taken--one from a guy who works with nuclear energy in Virginia on the East Coast, and one from a man who approached me in a Wenatchee cafe, telling me he worked in Colombia as a protective guard for diplomats, and he gave me a business card that said he worked for the Department of State.

There are some things which I should take down from my blog, things like personal and unncecessary attacks. Mean things written out of anger which really do no good. I am taking all of these things down. But if you can understand, part of the reason I began documenting things in the first place, was because of corruption and the fact that I was isolated and no one knew what was going on and happening to me and my son.

By keeping a blog, I have a wider audience and therefore, I feel more protected, because there ARE people who know me personally and who believe me.

The Wenatchee police had no right to erase any personal footage I took of me and my son, and if they had a problem with it, or concerns, they should have kept the information and brought it to the attention of Judge Hotchkiss and ask Hotchkiss what to do.

The Wenatchee police do not have the authority to do a false arrest in order to search bags and destroy evidence.

Confiscating evidence until a court has seen what's going on, is one thing. Destroying evidence is something entirely different.

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