Wednesday, June 3, 2009

U.S. Nuclear Site List

I just read the headline about the U.S. nuclear site list which was "accidentally" released online to the public. I wonder if accidentally was actually providential for some.

I mean, I'm sorry, but this is information the U.S. citizen should have full access to.

I wonder about it, because I still question WHY, when I and my son were experiencing all of our health problems, we were being trailed by some guy from the Department of Energy at the Chelan Wal-mart. It was Christmastime.

That man was from the U.S. Department of Energy and he watched my every move.

So, I wonder. I actually can't imagine what was happening to me and my son was just accidental though, because we were having computer hacking and malicious damage being done at the very same time. I believed it was either an escalation of a longer age-old conflict I'd had with some group, or was something new, maybe from Wenatchee people. But then there was the guy in the helicopter, coming to the house, and also the professional man with a metal detector of some sort, walking around in the middle of winter at the back of our property. He did not look like the hiking type. Too many strange things were going on at that time.

I wrote a man to see if the list could still be found online. It lists nuclear plants which create power, and also research sites. There are over 200 in the U.s.

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