Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Being Fair & Warning Psychologists & Police

Psychologists and police are very different from one another. But I write about everyone, including them.

So, with police, I was really upset that the court did not enforce its own order. I didn't appreciate being told I was the one inconveniencing people when this woman is the mental wreck and created the difficulties to begin with. However, I was fair to Thompson, because I didn't like how he wouldn't ask for her address and serve her, however, in other regards, he wasn't a power-tripping type. I didn't think, in general. I did give him a tip. I told him, when he was bending over, in his car, to look for a piece of paper, and I saw his gun when he was leaning over and not looking, I said to him, "You should be really careful." He said, "Huh?" and I told him, "Be careful because I'm a good person, and you don't have to worry about me, but if I were a bad person, I could have just reached right over and grabbed your gun before you had a moment to react."

He stared.

I think he wondered what to think. For me, I was seriously concerned for him, because I knew, if that happened in real life, with the wrong person, he could even possibly die or be injured. I sort of didn't want him to be so comfortable, even though I was happy he was, because it was a compliment to me and I know people in general know I'm not like that.

But maybe I helped him to think for the future and maybe in the future it will save his life.

So, poor guy, after I said something, he got all the way out of his car and went to the other side to look. I was hoping he didn't think I was "warning" him in a weird way, and I said, laughing, "I'm sorry...I'm not the safety police or anything, and you don't have to worry about ME, but I just saw that and saw the potential."

He was okay with it. He said it wasn't a gun either, but a taser. A taser! You should have seen it. It was a fancy looking taser. I mean, I thought tasers looked like glocks but this was engraved and had a swirling design.

He didn't do anything that was different from what a lot of cops do, but there are too many accidents and not everyone is as nice as they seem to be, and not even in a small town, and not even if you think you know the person. I just think weapons, in general, are frightening, because in the wrong hands, they can injure and kill.

At any rate, I didn't feel he was proactive enough about Holt, especially when she's done what she's done and I had to wait around because of her personal difficulties and unwillingness to cooperate, and I didn't think SHE needed "grace". Later, he was very kind and just normal, and not like Huson, who, I suspect, is slightly power hungry, maybe a little trip up there in the cerebral hemisphere, and then a few other things going on a little bit below the belt. I don't know. He strikes me as a womanizer and I had the feeling he was staring at my ass when he told me to look under the bed for my things. But men are men and it doesn't mean anything. He's got the hungry-for-woman look in his eyes though, sort of 24/7.

Okay, my quick guess at personality types of Thompson and Huson. It's difficult for me to imagine any regular cop is anything besides an ESTJ, but I'll try...I think Thompson would be ISTP and Huson would be ESTJ. I almost want to say Huson could be a "P" with just an over-large ego and need to control things, but it could be that he has a genuine impulse for time control. Somehow, I think his control needs are more ego rather than inate personality driven. I also assume they are both "T"s because they're both police and men. Men are more likely to be T than F (thinker than feeler).

The other person who was there, or Officer, was one I remember quite well. Duke. One of the women who falsely arrested me, I THINK. I had thought it got referred to Chelan county but I remember Duke being really cruel on some occasion, for some reason. I thought it was sort of interesting that she was there. She didn't give any indication or sign of malice, but I was checking her out, because of her name and the memories which were stirring. I want to say that it was SHE who just seemed sadistically happy to be arresting me, and who mocked me that night, and told me police "from Oregon to Washington" knew me, and who mocked me saying they all knew I was "smart" or "highly intelligent". I don't want to be wrong though. But I swear to God, one of the arresting officers on the night I was falsely arrested for supposedly "assaulting Granny" (which NEVER happened and which my own grandmother said never happened). The entire Wenatchee community continues to bring this incident up, even though it was THROWN OUT for lack of EVIDENCE, zero witnesses and zero evidence. Wenatchee CPS, and AG, try over and over, to illegally or improperly use this as if it is something I was convicted of when I was not only NOT convicted when I was demanding a full TRIAL, but for which I was falsely arrested. I think they might have even thought it would look worse for them if I WON a trial than if they threw it out. I had a whole bunch of evidence and no one wanted it out in the record. So when I wouldn't give in to their threats and demands I take a plea for something I didn't even do, they did this.

Now that I'm writing about this, I just think more and more, that really, the kind of action I should be bringing is one against the county for repeated and continued harassment, profiling, and abuse of the system against me. From their police to their justice system people to the AG and state workers. I don't know if that would be state and county but it would certaintly be Section 1983 and I am still suffering damages for it. Sure, no police have been pulling me over lately, but they don't really need to, do they? now that they already got what they were after and harassed me so much I was too distraught to take care of other things? After repeatedly refusing to take my complaints, when I was being assaulted and my property vandalized constantly...and what do I get? I get Sgt. Moore writing a horribly slanderous report against ME when I was trying to protect MY SON. These people have been truly awful. And they have not done anything to fix what they've done. They just try to dig in deeper, but in other ways.

The thing about a Section 1983 claim, is that this has been going on so long, and is still going on, and so the statutes are good. I could still do it. They keep wanting to throw all the bad things they've done to me, back into the record over and over again.

One thing Sgt. Moore wrote, to be specifically obnoxious and slanderous, was that I required a 2 officer assist because of my mental issues, and that from 2005 to present there were 150 calls made to police or reports of some kind, regarding me, and which, he wrote, were made BY me, in the majority. So I thought about that. 150calls or reports. If I was making the majority, that could be a majority of 51% more than 49%. So others could have been making a voluminous number of calls about me which I know nothing about. Out of the calls or complaints I had initiated or made, I realized it was true and nothing to be ashamed of either. For one thing, I was calling police each time my tire was slashed or window broken. It was happening every week for over a year. On a friday my window was bashed in and then the next day it would be my tire that was slashed. I called for every single incident and they added up. The police stopped coming out to document all the vandalism, telling me "we believe you" and in the meantime, they're writing ME up as crazy. There was a very bad pattern of harassment against me before it escalated to what happened to me and my son when we started having computer and health problems. As for other calls I made, I know I made some on behalf of others who were injured or needed assistance. Then I made some calls requesting records or how to get FOIA or make a complaint. I also had to make several calls regarding an attempted rape which occured against me, and the fact that the guy kept stalking me, where there were cameras present, even after I got a protection order against him. The Wenatchee police did nothing abut my claim. They didn't even send DNA to the lab although I submitted samples. They didn't protect rape photos which were taken either, which showed injury from an attempt. These officers in Wenatchee mocked me and fucking didn't even TURN IN DNA. No one has ever gotten back to me about it and I was given the run around by the lawyers and court people. The things Wenatchee and Chelan-Douglas county people have done to me and my son has been truly horrible, and it continues. What else would i have called about? nothing. The only times I called was when my apartment was broken into, I was assaulted, stalked, or my property (car or mail) vandalized over and over. At the time I and my son were harmed, I was trying to get accountability from the FBI and Portland police for obstructing justice and attempting to conceal a crime committed by their own guys. The obstruction of justice and intimidation of a victim was as bad. And I was trying to call for accountability for the level of illegal search and seizures that happened to me by Chelan county and Washington state police. I kept leaving messages with the man with the state, whom I was told to leave a message with, and he never returned my call. I went up the whole chain of command and I was flatly ignored. I asked to meet him so I could make my complaint regarding the illegal arrest, the refusal to investigate an attempted rape against me and turn over DNA to the state lab, and the number of times I was being pulled over by police, followed, and ticketed for things I didn't do.

All around this, was the Wenatchee medical professional people cover up of what happened to me and my son, and John Kaempf coming into town and I saw him more than once, for pow-wows with the Wenatchee lawyers.

People wanted to screw me over. Ever since the Catholic church report I made, police and the law have been used to harass me and try to build a file against me. I now have people who aren't settled with this, or with taking my son and causing damage. I have people who want to frame me and put me in jail. And, as always, these same people all want a damning mental disorder diagnosis.

Prior to what happened to me and my son, which still affects me and my son (his speech still isn't normal for him and I am not having periods anymore), I was in fear of my life. I had officers threatening me and telling me to "move", and saying with all the vandalism, why didn't I take my son and go into hiding, and CPS trying to push me out with a "one way bus ticket out of the state", and other people trying to ignore my complaints and pretend it wasn't happening. My neighbors saw it happening. I told police and other people I knew this was going to escalate. People who don't respect property are not satisfied with just this kind of damage. They want to go farther.

What has been largely forgotten, is the great lengths which many went to, to try to bring me down. I had DSHS people causing serious problems, at the highest levels, during this time and then the same woman who was my case worker, went over to work for CPS. And she was best friends with the woman I was told to see for "counseling". I had many people deliberately harassing me, and using their positions with the government to do it.

They never worried about being held accountable. And to this day, no one has held them accountable for what they've done. They continue to lie. The visitation monitor is the newest addition to the lying group. She is truly prejudiced and writes absolutely dishonest things and no one is there to witness this. No one is there for me, to dispute what she says, and the state blocked my right to keep the record straight with videotaping my interactions with my son. I didn't carry a camera around and it didn't bother my son at all. I feel my son's privacy is not more important than his safety, and if I have to temporarily suspend his dignity because I'm putting photos online to be credible in my claims to the public, I'm willing to do that, to try to gain sympathy and support for the fact that my son is not okay, and that this is the state's doing, and the fault of all these people who had so little to offer, themselves, honestly, that they went after my son and I with defamation, harassment, and a concerted plan to disrupt our lives and retaliate and keep me from suing on behalf of myself or my son for injuries and for harassment under color of law.

(I have my comments about the psychologists under my next post about psych eval)

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