Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Scots-Irish Psychics

I met a woman today who I know I'm going to love. I think. For however long it lasts, I will enjoy talking to her, because we hit some common marks at random tonight.

She came to the counter and we were just joking I think and I then asked what her ethnic background was. I was curious because she had a unique look, with blue eyes and a sort of aquiline nose. Blond and pretty. She was laughing as I told her this, that I thought her nose made her look very aristocratic. She said she was going to be sure to tell her mother because her mother hated her own nose. She is German, Scots-Irish, and English. I asked if she was more of one thing than the others, if she knew and she said German. So I thought this was interesting and then out of the blue, oh, we were talking about Scots-Irish. She said she heard it was different somehow and I told her I had the same, it was called "Scots-irish" and I hoped it didn't mean the women were violated because you hear about so much of that in history and that I preferred to think they all assimilated. Then she asked me if I was psychic.

!?! I said, "Oh! Why?! I didn't think I said anything that was psychic at all..." and she said that she believed in ESP things and I told her I did too and then she said the Scots-Irish are very well-known for this ability and especially, she said, in the highlands. She said it's almost remarkable, with what level and accuracy this group has been known to predict things or see things others couldn't see.

So she said she's had experiences but doesn't talk about it to others because they would think she was crazy, but she HAS had these experiences, and she thinks it's the Scots-Irish. So we are going to talk!

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