Thursday, July 16, 2009

18th Witness Statement In Support Of Me

Statement of Vince Duncan

Cam and Oliver were always good neighbors. Cam was always good to Oliver when we were passing by or they would stop by to visit and talk or pet the dog. I’ve never seen any conflict between Cam and Oliver. They were very pleasant to talk to when they came by and always were a respectful neighbor.

They also associated with the neighbors and children across the street and I never saw any problems over there and they would play together a lot. There were generally three kids playing with Oliver and his mother was supervising outside.

She was very friendly and sociable. Oliver was always happy. As far as I could tell, Oliver was always a little happy camper. They always seemed happy and content.

And no, l never suspected or thought she was ever under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

I knew them for about a year.

I swear under penalty of perjury that the above statement was made in truth, to the best of my ability and belief and may be used as evidence in a court of law.

Made July 16, 2009

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