Thursday, July 16, 2009

19th Witness Statement About Harassment & In Support Of Me

This statement I took this evening refreshed my memory about a number of things. Mainly, when the electronics equipment first began, and that it was in Portland, Oregon. Later, the same exact things happened in Wenatchee, Washington, but some of the numbers were tracing back to Seattle, Washington.

Statement of Linda Trostel

I used to have a daycare for 25 years and was licensed for 15 years with the State of Washington. I was a mandatory reporter for child abuse and neglect and also visited by the state for routine inspection. That was the last few years they started that (normal routine inspection). There was never any charge against me for anything wrong in all those 25 years.

Cameo was walking by one day and we started talking to each other. She had such a cute little boy we became friends and I started noticing things that were going on, like the car vandalisms and that he was such a happy little boy. I remember when she was showing me and telling me and I thought it was odd because there were all these cars and it was only hers.

I thought she was a normal person but a little stressed out and I think it was due to some of the things going on, but she wasn’t “mental”, not “drug using”, just stressed out because everybody’s saying what’s going on is not happening. Something was going on with her computer too. She would email people and someone got ahold of it and she couldn’t use it…the fax machine. It was the computer and the fax machine. I believed it was happening and I don’t see any reason why she would lie about that. If your fax machine is fine until you send something out to a particular person and it’s not working, it’s weird and the fax machine was new. You can’t tell me somebody can’t do that because probably they can.

She has a nice personality and I didn’t see any drama-type personality. She was pretty stressed but she was still handling it okay, it wasn’t like she was in la-la land. I took her to Seattle for a doctor’s appointment. If she was on drugs she would be acting out of it. To me, very alert and very concerned about her son.

Mostly she talked about Oliver and also what was happening.

She was a very loving and caring mother. She wouldn’t even let me smoke in the car with the window down (laughter) , but I made it. You could tell that Oliver loved his mother very much. He wasn’t clingy but you could tell that he loved his mom. He was always hugging and kissing her.

Oliver was a SMART little kid. He was smarter, for his age, than a lot of kids I see. He was very loveable. He was just a loveable little boy and I loved him to pieces. He was always dragging me outside to play with him. The thing he liked the most was the dogs and he would just hug them. He would play with cars and I read him some books and he would repeat some things I said. For his age, he knew what you were talking about and he was even talking to. He wasn’t underdeveloped at all. I knew him from before age 1, and he was talking THEN and even earlier. As far as I know he was very healthy. She gave him organic milk and all this stuff, taking him to the health food store to buy organic food for him. $50 for two little bags! He was walking early, talking early, and repeating things I’d point out at story time. I never saw any bruising on him or anything.

They were very close. If he had been abused in any way, he would have been shying away but you could tell, they were very close and loving.

I always saw them walking and she never neglected him. I know she did not neglect him. You can tell a neglected child and he was not neglected--he was very much loved. He missed his mother when she left and was very happy to see her when she came back. I babysat him for about an hour about 5 times when she was at appointments. We became really good friends and saw each other on pretty much a daily basis. From day to day, if something was wrong, you think you would notice, but there was never anything wrong. She let me babysit him alone after we got to know each other very well, at least several months, seeing each other every day or almost every day.

They were very tight. I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now being without his mother…A very lost soul.

She had a good personality, and she seemed stressed but she was never over-reacting when there’s all these cars and then her car, and it’s just her car getting hit. Why would they vandalize the same car over and over and over again?

She seems to have it all together now too, and well-mannered, and trying to get Oliver back is her main goal. She’s just trying to tell the truth to get her son back.

Her main concern has always been Oliver.

I swear under penalty of perjury that the above statement was made in truth, to the best of my ability and belief and may be used as evidence in a court of law.

Statement Made July 16, 2009

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