Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blood Results: Abnormally Low CO2 & Potassium

I asked for the lab results again and my clotting factor was normal but low, on the very border.

The two abnormalities which occured with the unexplained rectal bleeding were abnormally low CO2 and abnormally low potassium.

I wasn't told about the CO2 at the time.

I found out about low levels of CO2 this morning.

I am wondering about rat poison simply because I was invited to eat food by strangers, and then had a LOT of rectal bleeding which is intestinal. I didn't come up with the idea, it was given to me.

I had someone tell me it was probably rat poison and caused these symptoms. So I looked them up and they fit.

I also had abnormally low potassium and abnormally low CO2, both which are caused, I guess by rat poison.

Low CO2 has two causes: hyperventilation (which I didn't present with at the time) and ingestion of chemicals, which offsets the alkaline-acid balance and lowers CO2.

Low potassium is also caused by rat poison.

Since leaving the hospital, I haven't had any bleeding. It was for a two day period only and it was extreme and unusual and accompanied with mild diarrhea.

There is nothing wrong with my mind.

I have missed visitation with my son for one reason, and that is because I am concerned about safety at this point, his and mine. For good reason and there is no "delusion". If I hadn't been bleeding internally, I never would have gone to ER.

I noticed today that my driver's license is gone. I had it yesterday but not with me when I went to the FBI offices so I couldn't get in. When I checked today for my driver's license, it was nowhere to be found. I didn't lose it or misplace it.

As for the cigarettes that someone told me were not "normal", I didn't take her word for it even though I was concerned. She insisted she'd been smoking 20 years and they were tampered with, but although I got scared, I didn't jump to conclusions and I sought another opinion. The next guy, from the 7-11, told me they were normal and that, he thought, it was possibly from the filter combining with the end of the butt. I didn't panic or call ER or the police. I was logical and rational about it.

If I were mentally ill, I'm sure I could react in an odd way, but I am new to smoking and don't smoke very much even then, and noticed something I hadn't noticed before and given the recent internal bleeding, I wanted to know what was in them.

As for the examination at the hospital for internal bleeding, I don't know if it was thorough or not. I asked them to test for poisons and they didn't. All they did was a CBC, a chemistry work-up, and a very simplistic coagulation. The coagulation was on the border and low, but not beneath the mark.

When she did the rectal exam, I was a little suprised because she only checked about an 1/8th of an inch in. I don't know how she could get any kind of sample at all from that, but that's what she did.

There should be no reason for traces of blood in my urine at all unless it was my mistake from how I tried to get the sample. There was zero blood in my urinary output. It was all renal.

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