Monday, August 10, 2009

Woman Commenting On My Blog

I have a woman writing in to comment and claim it sounds I'm nuts and into conspiracies.

This is my response to her. No, I'm not mentally ill.

Yes, I have things happening in my life that sound strange, but these persons are either dead serious, or they're purposefully playing mind games to make me SOUND nuts if I write about what they've said, done, or tell me.

I have no doubt that this began again, at this time, in order to ruin my chances of having my son back. But whether or not these people are actually serious, they WANT me to believe they are serious, and if it's not that, they ARE serious and they're going about their game in a way to make everything as bizarre as possible.


  1. To the woman or man who continues to make comments:

    You're not exactly the type of person I would go to for advice, nor would I care to take your advice.

    You're writing in whatever you want to write, which is not helpful but only made to intimidate me and try to persuade me to take your directives.

    You know nothing about me or my life and if you were facing me in person, or had the strength to put your own name down, I might listen.

    But you shroud yourself and insult me, and you know absolutely nothing about this situation, and if you do, you want to direct it to your own will.

  2. By the way, next time you experience internal bleeding, enough to fill an entire toilet, more than once, full of bright red blood, let me know what kind of mental disorder this belongs to.

    It wasn't my period.

    It wasn't hernia or hemmoroids either. It was severe internal bleeding that went through the renal system and then quit abruptly, for now.

    I'd like to know what disorder this is. My iron levels are fine too. Everything is normal except for abnormally low potassium and abnormally low CO2.

  3. Keep your chin up when people are insulting you. Unfortunately that's what sometimes happens with public blogs. Sadly, people like to abuse and insinuate so don't even give them any response as that is what they want - the satisfaction of affecting you- and they don't deserve it.
