Monday, August 10, 2009

Smoker Confirms Tampering of My Cigarettes

I couldn't find my pack of cigarettes. I looked everywhere and then they reappeared in my bag and I thought maybe I'd overlooked finding them.

So I smoked them. The problem is, and I hope this isn't a problem, but I have just noticed they are not normal cigarettes. I don't think.

Instead of being soft after cushing them out, they are solidified and as hard as a rock. I checked an acquaintance's cigs after he'd pushed them out and all the old ones are still soft at the end. Not mine. They're solid like glass or something.

I even ran one under water and it's solid like a rock. At the part right before the filter and it's shiny and kind of glassy looking on the surface.

These were regular Marlboro lights 100s. I then unrolled a couple and I couldn't tell there was anything unusual or different about them but I threw them out.

I went through all my friend's cig butts, which were Marlboro and they're all soft at the end, where they were pushed out.

But mine, I didn't notice until now, are very shiny and glassy on the surface where I pressed them out, and they're as hard as a rock and won't even bend and you can't even push them in on the corner.

Like I said, even under water, they won't soften up.

I might be wrong, but I think something is wrong with them. I would like to know if anyone has any ideas.

I haven't noticed anything else while smoking them except that they seemed a little stronger, and that I had mild muscle fasciculations after smoking them which I don't usually have.

I hope I'm not making a big deal about this, but I am wondering, if they were tampered with, what would cause this?

I am hoping I don't end up having a late reaction to whatever is in them, if this isn't normal. I don't really think it is normal, because I checked all the other cig butts and this doesn't happen with the other ones.

I think it's different because one of the cigarettes I just smoked this morning and when I picked it up to look at the butt, it was hard as a rock and had the glassy appearance.

I checked the other butts from today and from maybe even weeks ago, that are left behind from an acquaintance, and they are all still soft and were pushed out the same way.

I just had some guy look at the butt of my cigarette and he sees exactly what I see, because I have the butts with me. He noticed some white flecks in it too but thought maybe it was from the wrapper. He said it was weird. It's hard as a rock and glassy and has flecks of semi-transparent white stuff in it.

I just had another person, an experienced smoker, look at these and she said, "That is NOT normal." She said, "I've been smoking for 20 years and I've never seen anything like that." She asked me where they'd gone missing and were returned and I told her it was at the youth hostel or before and then they reappeared at the hostel.

She said it's totally not normal and looks very suspicious. And she's smoked forever and just gave me her name and phone number.

She asked how I was feeling. Right now I feel okay but I don't know if I'll be okay with more time, if this is really not normal and they were tampered with.

I smoked several of these in the last couple of days. I threw out most of the butts.

I gave away a couple too, to people on the street who asked for one.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same problem, I smoke American Spirit and I get Heart Palpitations on certain packs and when I smoke Malboro it happens all the time. I feel they are being tampered with from the seller. I found your post because I typed in a google search for the same problem. I think I am going to find a Lab to test for foreign chemicals.
