Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank You To Friends, Known & Unknown

I just wanted to say thank you to the people who are trying to look into things and who believe in me.

Thank you so much for your support, spoken and unspoken, and for what you've done for me and my son and are trying to do.

Thank you for keeping your eyes on me, and for giving me hints on where to go and I'm sorry if I've doubted some of you because I don't always know who to trust.

Thank you to those who are Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Atheist, Muslim, and of every socio-economic background who are independent thinkers or have good hearts and know how difficult this has been.

Thank you to the journalists and bloggers around the world, who are published every day for their attempt to practice free speech, whether it's challenging the status quo with ideas or it's going along with the status quo but with an intention to make a difference. The poor are scorned, but the rich are scorned too, and jealousy or fear causes groups to do horrible things sometimes.

Thank you to the person who let me know about rat poison, which helped me to understand a logical cause or reason for my recent bleeding and who validated me as not being mentally ill, but right on.

Thank you to some of the people in D.C. who believed in me and validated me on an almost daily basis, through their friendship or their intel and advice. Thank you for spending any time on me at all, in an effort to assist discreetly.

Thank you to those who have prayed for me and my son and who are able to sort the tree from the forest, and can see through what is really going on, and who are trying to bring others to assist me and make a break through.

Thank you to those who have given me credible warnings, and helped me navigate through dangerous situations, who didn't blame me for the danger, but who knew it wasn't my fault and that I was blacklisted and fighting an uphill battle.

Thank you to those who did not try to put out misinformation, bless those who did not do this, who gave me the correct scoop on things that were happening and where it was stemming from, and who correctly tried to tell me what was happening with me and my son in E.Wenatchee and then recently as well.

Thank you to those who did not try to scare me through false information. And thank to you those who told what they knew, and didn't play games to keep me guessing.

Thank you to those who have actually even risked their own lives and safety to help me.

Thank you to those who have taken beatings, figurative and not, for trying to help me and my son.

Thank you for being patient with me as I keep getting set up, stalked, and turned around by others who have bad intentions and weaker character than those who have been willing to risk their own safety for people they care about or love.

I'm sorry to those who I judged wrongly, when I didn't know all the facts. I'm sorry for those whose lives or safety I've put at risk by saying something when I was afraid and didn't know who was for me or against me. I mean well, and if I knew the whole story, I would have even more apologizing and thanking to do.

Thank you to the good people in the FBI and police force, who do their jobs with incredible integrity, who are not bought or bribed in even a non-traditional sense, but who try their best to protect others and to root out corruption.

Thank you to the few lawyers who seem to be so out-numbered I don't know how they continue in their work isolated for being someone who is willing to take on a tough or complicated case, or who burns the candle at both ends to try to help as many people as they can.

Thank you to the homeless people, on the streets, who ask me for money and constantly challenge my ability to be charitable even when I have very little. Thank you for showing me what true humility is.

Thank you to people who try to bring back to me what was stolen. Even putting things back into my purse.

Thank you to those who remember my generosity when I've had money and been in a better position and who try to remind me to have faith and look forward, no matter what is done against me.

Thank you to the veterans and military men who remember my grandfather and try to help his granddaughter, keeping his spirit in mind. The older men who know something is going on who try to keep their eyes open and who have not ever really "retired" in any sense of the word.

Thank you to the international people who have come alongside me and offered a word of encouragement and humor, who have extended themselves to try to help me and my son, who know more than I do about even my own country.

Thank you to those who keep the faith in my country and who want to change it for the better, and thank you to those who also offer alternatives of refuge to those who cannot get ahead in what should be the easiest country to get ahead in.

Thank you to the merciful.

Thank you to those who chose not to follow through with bad deeds against me or my son, not out of weakness, but because of a strength of character which wouldn't permit them to follow through. Thank you and bless you and may god give you safety and a good place to get ahead.

Thank you to those who have forgiven me. Who found it easy to hate me and who didn't trust me, but who, for some reason, were able to forgive me for anything I said which was wrong, or said in a moment of anger, or never apologized for, or for something I said or did which was more insulting than I even intended or meant for it to be. Thank you for being willing to forgive me for being human like everyone else, when I have thought I was right or more right than someone else.

Thank you for the angels who walked with me on the bridge where there were holes and I was about to fall through, who guided me to the safer side, when I didn't even realize what danger I was in, at least then.

Thank you for those who spoke up for me or stood up for me. Thank you to those who kept my belongings safe. Thank you to those who "changed sides" when there was one side or group that hated me so badly I never should have gotten ahead Thank you to those who gave me something to eat or took me out to dinner at a place that was safe and for trying to lift my spirits.

Thank you if there is anyone left still willing to jump for me, run for me or my son, and do what they can to protect us or ease our suffering. Thank you to those who have said good words about me and taken the time to get to know me better if they didn't initially like me.

Thank you to those whose colors transcend stripes and stars. Whose colors transcend gangs and nationality, and even religion and politics.

May God bless those who cried for me and my son and who have fought, in their own way, to make the truth known, or to try to make peace. Thank you to those who still have a tender heart and are not always hardened to the deparity of a mother and child.

May God bless and reward every single person who has tried to help me and my son in any way at all. I pray you will see the blessing in your own lifetime.

May God bless your families and your work and your aspirations and may your dreams which are so much like mine, come true. Even if it will not be possible for me, I pray my good people will see prosperity and will have happiness and not be burdened by my trials.

Bear ye one anothers' burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Thank you to those who have done this and I hope you will be relieved of suffering for my sake.

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
Thank you to those who remembered this proverb even when they did not like me or understand me or what was going on.

And now bretheren, whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is true, if there be anything good to report, think on these things.

Bless my family, even those who have not supported me, and bless my extended family of supporters and fighters.

Bless those who seek the truth and who are reviled for it. Bless those who have criticized and admonished me to have wisdom, who know more about how to be wise than I do.

Thank you to those who were not false and who gave a safe place of refuge, who did not turn their backs on me when others did, and who gave me hope. Thank you to those who made me laugh out loud.

Bless those who follow their conscience, if it is a good conscience, and I hope you acheive great things because of it.

God bless the whistleblowers, who find no peace, and God bless the peacemakers, who have no money.

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