Monday, August 10, 2009

Called Steven Reichert's Offices, More RCC Connections

I called Reichert's offices but I wasn't feeling well and was sick part of the morning. They said I could teleconference with him at 11 a.m. but I was too sick to call. I called earlier and said I'd call at the time, but then was sick. So when I called at 12:15 p.m. and asked if I could still talk to him they said no.

They told me I had to go to a hearing tomorrow.

I said, "Your offices told me I couldn't speak with him until today, and now you're saying the hearing is tomorrow? You told me the hearing would be one week after I talked to him."

The receptionists then told me that he could speak to me next Monday, and then go to the hearing the following day after that.

They told me he was "booked" for the entire week until the day before hearing.

As much as I don't want to think this is NOT about religion and still punishing me for suing any division of the Catholic church, this guy Reichert is a Gonzaga alum, which is a Catholic law school in Portland.

When I had a Fair Hearings against the state, I ran into roadblock after block, and discovered almost every single one of their attorneys had graduated from Gonzaga, where the governor Christine Gregoire graduated from, until I got to the very top guy. He was the only one who wasn't Gonzaga alum, or another Catholic law school. Every single other attorney, all the way up the line, was Catholic. There WAS one who my case was initially assigned to, who wasn't, and was Unitarian, but the supervisor took that lawyer off of my case and reassigned this other guy who was from Gonzaga. Their secretary had said it was very odd, because they have a schedule made up ahead of time, and the other guy was available and hadn't turned it down and wasn't busy either. It was a switch that was made by the supervisor and then when I had problems with the Gonzaga guy, I had to go all the way up the line to the very top to speak to the head man, and only then did anything turn around for me. I won that hearing, but I was slandered in the report by the Fair Hearings Administrator assigned to my case. He tried to say I was against all catholics, like, any member who was ever Catholic, which he knew wasn't true.

Some of my best neighbors and friends have been Catholic and even allies, but I HAVE had some problems with SOME of them who are in influential positions and align themselves against me.

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