Monday, August 10, 2009

Obstruction of Justice at Seattle FBI This Afternoon

I don't know whether or not it would be technical obstruction of justice to tell someone the FBI will not hear a complaint, report, or concern for personal safety, but the same Deputy Agent that I contacted awhile ago, who told me the FBI would not help me at all, was the one I got today.

She said the same thing and refused to give me her ID #. I then went to the FBI offices in Seattle downtown the security guard approached me after I said who I was and said the Deputy Agent told him to tell me the FBI would not help me in any way.

The security officer was G. Brotherton.

Then, I was turned out and an agent came out from the side and when I asked if I could speak with him he went back in and talked to the Deputy Agent who then came out. She was about 5'6", dark brown curly hair with a black headband on, and said no one from their offices would help me at all. Before she came out there was loud laughing in the backroom when the one agent went back to speak with her.

He came out and said he hadn't "realized" I'd made complaints there before and I said no I had not. It was the first time in their office. I had never once made any kind of report to any Seattle individual, with the FBI, ever. He then said that with my "blogging" they wouldn't help me.

He said he didn't want his name to be "out there" but I found this to be, perhaps, disingenuous as when I first met him, he had no ID on his person and then after speaking with the Deputy Agent, he was then wearing an ID badge with his name on it and it was turned so I could read it. He already knew I was taking down names for makihng a report to the OPR.

So they were standing there, telling me no one would help me at all, and she repeated this and I asked if I could please clarify something. I told her she had said to me, over the phone, that the FBI wouldn't help at all, and that I couldn't even come down to their offices. Then today they were claiming I didn't have proper ID with me, even though they clearly knew who I was.

So I said, "Are you now telling me you won't take a complaint over the phone or are you saying you will refuse to take a complaint if I appear in person with ID?" They all just stumbled for words. She said I had to make my complaint in writing and I said I felt uncomfortable with this. I said I would like to speak with someone in person, and I had already told them I had recently had my food tampered with by rat poisoning after multiple death threats.

They didn't seem to care, at all, about my personal safety, or anything at all. It does not matter to them, if I die, and from what I was told, they hope that I DO die or something bad happens to me.

I began to wonder if turning someone away who is in danger, and who has been trying to make a legitimate report, amounts to "obstruction of justice".

I also wonder when an Agent is telling me the fact that I "blog" is why they wouldn't help me.

Since when is any journalist or "blogger" turned away from making a report, because of their profession or hobby?

Since when is it okay for persons with the FBI to write other people up, and make records, but it is not okay for a public citizen to do the same about FBI individuals who are giving out false information, and who are not doing their job, or who are basically obstructing justice?

I asked directly, "So, if I come by with my ID are you going to help or are you going to say you can't help me?" They shrugged and said they didn't know.

I find it exceedingly strange, that I am running into this kind of behavior and conduct with not just the Portland offices when I was making a complaint about 2 of their employees, but that I am also having problems with the Seattle offices, or certain persons with this office.

I was told this Duty Officer, I guess it's not Deputy but "Duty", at any rate, I was told she is the only one on Duty, from 8-4:30 M-F, and this woman has specifically told me over the phone that no one will help me with anything and hung up on me. The second time I spoke with her, she was more careful and said I could put something in writing (which would only be round-filed), and then today, she instructed a security officer to turn me away, stating no one at the FBI offices in Seattle would help me, period.

If I'm mentally ill, paranoid, or having any kind of "psychosis", why does it matter whether I even blog or not?

I have these agents trying to turn someone away whom they obviously believe in, or they wouldn't be making a big deal about being written about in a blog. If they think people won't believe it, they wouldn't care. The fact is, they know that I am credible, and that people DO believe me, and they simply don't LIKE the fact that I have written about some things which have been sometimes critical of persons within their agency.

It would seem these people don't want documentation, of any kind, that I've made a report of any kind, which someone worthy might get ahold of, and investigate. They also, it seems, do not want me to have any credibility, which I have when anyone talks to me face and face and it's made clear I'm not mentally ill and that I am rational. Finally, I don't believe they want any documentation as to the fact of why I feel unsafe going to Wenatchee, which is causing me to miss visits with my son, and jeopardize my custody of my son, and which is causing other legal problems as well. I'm not safe in Seattle, clearly, and yet I'm not safe to go to Wenatchee.

Finally, since when does a Duty Officer have supervisory or superiority over any other federal agent who may have been willing to take my complaint?

The man who said this was an issue with my "blog" was C.J. Goodman. At least that's the badge he wore, and he was partially balding, white, with a longer face, and wore a green shirt beneath his suit.

I have talked to many people in the past, who have helped me, and I've had people take or give information to me, and not once have I ever mentioned their name anywhere, on my blog or any other forum. The only time I become concerned about needing to mention a name is if something is seriously wrong and perhaps others might need to know about it.

I asked the security guard, Brotherton, who the Agent in Charge was, and the Asst. Special Agents, and he said he could not give out their names. I asked why, when they are published online on the FBI site. ???

The Agent in Charge is Laura M. Laughlin,

which sounds very similar to a Laura M. Laughlin who I had thought was at the Portland FBI offices when I first made a complaint there about Garza and Bujanda. I don't know if perhaps she was transfered over to the Seattle offices, where I seem to be getting nowhere.

The Assistant Special Agents in Charge are:

David Gomez
Steven M. Dean
Ronald Twersky

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