Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Calmed Down & Noticing Blood

I have calmed down. I'm being treated normally but I did try to insist on a specific arsenic test. The doc said he could test liver but I had called beforehand and was told there is a specific test for arsenic but it takes 2 days from the lab. So the doc said he'd ask about it.

They took blood for normal stuff. What I noticed, was that my blood has totally changed color. HUGE difference. When I went to Virginia Mason, it was all very bright red, and altogether, barely maroon. It was bright red and crimson. This blood now coming out of my arm is dark. I don't know what would cause this.

The other thing I noticed was that Virginia Mason took FOUR 12 ml vials of blood. Large tubes of blood and it all came out easily.

This hospital took 6 ml total in 4 small vials, and it took awhile to get even that much.

Why would my blood be darker and slower?

I am curious.

As for how I feel, my neck feels out, like it's not holding up really well, and I had about 4 really sharp, specific, pricks to the bottoms of my feet. Like nerve stuff, but really sharp and fast and very location specific. Then I was having a couple of small very light neck pains but it was hardly noticeable. My neck really feels out though, somehow.

What's also weird is that my neck, when I pushed it back and forth to test the vocal cord, fixture area, was really rough and it almost popped and now it feels very fluid and isn't grating. But I have no idea why this would be, but it's not my imagination.

Oh, and Princess Diana stuff, I was just going off and being angry. No, I don't think it was Mossad. I am almost more dubious about some of the English and the CIA. But I don't know. It was probably a very small fringe group and could have been independently formed somehow, though that would be a little harder to do, not impossible.

I reported my videocamera missing and my cigarettes missing.

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