Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Talked To Head Staff At ER

I asked to speak to the person in charge and explained I felt it was wrong to assume I had a mental illness without first doing diagnostics to see if there was a reasonable explanation for what has been going on.

She wanted to have a social worker there and I told her no, I had a right to refuse to talk to her. She agreed but then said, "I'll be here ALL NIGHT!" in a catty way. Yes, it was catty and triumphant, and that was not my imagination. If only I had a tone for words I write.

I told the head person, if there is NOT something wrong with me, I will VOLUNTARILY check myself in for serious help because I would then question myself and begin to think maybe something was wrong. But I told her I had not only symptoms of possible ingestion of a toxic substance, but I also had a broken neck with a titanium plate and donor bone that I was told would break down in 10-20 years. I would think, if no one believes the one thing is possible, that they would then look at the neck repair and make sure everything is still intact.

She promised me they wouldn't have anyone else involved and would take me seriously. We'll see. The minute I get checked into any psych ward would be the minute someone seizes my laptop. Which would be hilarious. I have one guy trying to set me up to be locked up in jail and then others trying to see me locked up in a psych ward.

I am NOT kidding. If all diagnostics came back normal, okay, you've convinced me now, something is wrong with me.

Prove it to me, if not for yourselves.

They tried to say no other rooms were available and they weren't assuming anything. Bullshit. I saw for myself that other rooms were available.

You know what people really don't like? Allegedly mentally ill or those they want to be mentally ill, telling them how it's done and that you're onto them and it's not working. Nobody gets pissed off at truly mentally ill people, nor do they have their General Counsel sitting in to advise at CPS meetings, or any gamut of things I've seen done. I guess it was the head nurse on duty who instructed people to send me to Room 9.

If I were a GOOD doctor, a decent one, I would do the following:

1. Listen to signs and symptoms and BELIEVE the patient. Give them the benefit of a doubt first. You don't assume anything unless there is concrete reason to believe that because all diagnostics are normal, something else is wrong. However, I was on the East Coast and had one MRI of my back which the docs claimed was totally normal. Then I had another MRI of my back and the docs then said I had all these discs which were herniated. Both docs did MRIs but sometimes, even the diagnostics don't tell the whole truth.

2. Symptoms considered, do the following diagnostics, with reasonable belief that something may be wrong:
A. hair test or analysis for toxic substance or arsenic.
B. X-ray, to start, of fixtures in neck to be sure things are holding up. If something looks odd, MRI.
C. Brain scan. Who knows. I might be missing some screws after that "head injury" but I would do this last.
D. Diagnose unknown cause or possible mental illness. Assume either one is possible.

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