Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Threat to "National Security" & ER

I am a "threat to national security". What a bunch of B.S. or maybe, it's true. Maybe it's easier to discredit someone by trying to lock them up than allow someone who is telling the truth, and telling it accurately, to be "out on the loose". Too much of a fucking "loose cannon."

I tried to go to ER to have someone take me seriously by at least testing to see if there IS arsenic in my system, because if there is, I would THINK tests for this would be done first, before assuming something else first.

This is exactly what happened in Wenatchee, with doctors claiming I had no injuries from childbirth and refusing to do diagnostics and just rolling out "mentally ill" and lying about a "spontaneous delivery".

Not only that, this puts me in very real danger, by making it clear to others that they CAN do whatever they want to me, and I will not be believed.

I think, since I actually managed to stay out of the psych ward AGAIN, that it's time I lay out some real names and stop mincing words and trying to be objective and nice about the people I've met and what they've said and done.

I have several people stating they can see the same hypopigmentation that I see. I am not delusional. I also have people saying they see the lines in my nails which are like Mees. I asked someone totally objectively, to be sure we saw the same thing and that it was noticeable. He did see the same thing.

I went to ER, I was told to go there by a Bainbridge officer, Bencurt, whose "GOOD LUCK!!!!" was just a little too lusty. I was told to go to Bremerton, the naval town, to Harrison Hospital. So I did. He TOLD me to go there and get this checked out before going to any "hearing" tomorrow. I asked him what he would do, and this what he said.

It was all set up when I got there.

Room number 9, right this way. I saw the security officer and at first thought, huh, maybe someone came forward and people know I am not lying about the threats and the very real possibility that I DID ingest something which was toxic.

Lucky for me, they hadn't put me in the room yet. I sat in the chair and I saw the printer in front of me with the labels, "Psych" something or other. Then I looked up and there was a poster about "involutary seclusion." I looked back at the room. Yeah, room 9 had a steel door that locked with no curtain. No, in fact, there were cameras and monitors for room 9.

FUCK ALL OF YOU who think you are above the law and above being held accountable.

As for this country, it's not going anywhere admirable. The fact that I have personally witnessed so much corruption and then the lax attitude of those in the justice system is enough. Psych ward is a great thing for the FBI file, after I reported the FBI agents. It's a great thing for the file of the Wenatchee medical professionals who lied through their teeth to save their skin. It's a great thing for those who destroyed all of my evidence for the case regarding my son. It's a great thing for those with money and power whose egos I injured, so badly, they can't get enough.

It's sad when someone like me is talking down to someone who is supposed to be superior. It's "not done" I supposed. Neither is it proper that I should have the brainpower of more than 10 of the Bullivant Houser attorneys who turned out crapsheet after crapsheet of rote repeated material and never bothered to dig for anything creative.

As for Diana, whom I feel dreadfully sorry for, she went through all of the same shit and yet for her, she had some protection with money and privilege. Even then, she wasn't safe and others tried to undermine her intelligence, the information she held which could have been used against others, and her sanity.

Who did it?

The group that popped into my mind the other day was Mossad. And I have a great deal of respect for Mossad. But then I see the way this whole thing about my life is twisted, several times by those who have U.S. and international connections, and my next guess is CIA. Finally, there are a few European brats running around who are up to no good as well.

I can honestly say now, that I relate. I relate to those whom others are afraid of because they are willing to take a stand for the truth.

I don't care if what I've written *sounds* crazy, it's NOT crazy when I am simply reporting specific individuals who are feeding me all of this shit.

I have very few individuals to thank at this time. One would be Cook. Period. The other might be a few of those who actually work for OTHER countries who know the shit that's going down about me. Maybe one or two Americans. Not many.

Get your own fucking shit together before you try to sabotage someone else's life. Secondly, take responsibility for your OWN actions. YOU did the crime, YOU did the misdeed, and I only wrote about it. DEAL with it. I never thought my life would be about encountering cowards, and how many of them there are.

You may have money honey, but you still don't have my fucking brains.

The only thing that is a matter of "national security" is the fact that I have been able to identify and spot some of those who work undercover for the U.S. And religion, well, it's played a part. Look at who the head director for the CIA is. You're never going to find a Hindu at the top. Or a Buddist. Or an atheist. No, it will always be a Protestant, a Mormon, a Catholic, or maybe, if they're wanting to go the long mile, a Jew. Forget the Muslim, Hindu, Afrikan religions, Buddist, and any other non-"traditonal" group.

Now here come all the names. You didn't want me to talk? Forget my holding back now.

And for those in Wenatchee, I can only say I have Office Bencurt to thank for this, and the Harrison Hospital.

Do you know what is logical and "normal"? You take the fucking hair sample and if there is nothing there, THEN you jump to your gross conclusions.

Just like Wenatchee. You do the diagnostics, and if nothing is there, THEN you might have grounds to assume things about "psychosomatic illness".

You don't do it backwards. But maybe that's the direction this country is headed. Backwards.

You know what I would also think someone would consider before going straight for the padded room? I would think they would check out the fusion of my NECK before assuming

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