Monday, August 17, 2009

Arsenic Trioxide & Faint Mee's Lines on My Nails

I looked up the link given by a poster, who made a comment on my last post about arsenic.

Then it lead me to look up wikipedia on it and the symptoms do fit. The hair loss was a really huge thing. I was losing a ton of hair. It added up to clumps at a time. I don't see Mee's lines but you don't have to have all of the signs. I...actually, I may have to look up Mee's lines first to know what I'm talking about. I need to see photos. I do have the pitting or curvature in a couple of nails which was similiar to that which my son and I got while going through health problems in E. Wenatchee, but it's not very much right now.

I'm going to look it up. Interesting about arsenic trioxide.

I DO have it. It's not on all my nails, but noticeable on a couple. If this is what Mee's is, where it goes all the way from one side to the next. It starts back awhile so that would date this back a little while I think. I also have a couple of lines where there is a light imperfect streak of white across the main center. I have Mees. They are very faint and not as dark as what I'm seeing in photos but they're there. Which would place me in Wenatchee at the first attempt to poison me, unless I happened to be in Seattle but I don't think my nails would date back that far. I wonder what the new growth will look like.


I was being fucking poisoned in Wenatchee. And then over here.

Umm, I think I need to be tested. I have a hearing tomorrow and I think my lawyer should get a fucking continuance.

Thank you to whoever wrote in with that comment. It made me look stuff up and I have all the fucking signs of arsenic poisoning.

At first I thought maybe it was different colored because I'd used a nail file thing that's on nailclippers to clean under my nails but it's too low for this.

No good deed goes unpunished and I am going to include again, no crime goes undetected.

I am in love with the one who is fucking looking out for me, whoever that is.

Thank you.

I have to get the antidote to arsenic poisoning but I'm starting to wonder who is behind all of this.

Now I'm freaking out. I can't believe this. I can fully be diagnosed as poisoned. I had all those symptoms before knowing anything and I...I

I handled all of this very well. I haven't cried or had a breakdown or panicked. But now I just feel like crying. People have purposefully tried to kill me. And thanks to some strangers and thanks to some very good people and to God, I am still here and I have all the marks that I need to prove what needs to be proven.

Thank you to the people of all faiths that have been trying to assist. Thank you and I love you to someone very special. To a few very special individuals.

For the first time, the magnitude of this is really, really, sinking in.

I don't know what this means except it's maybe been going on awhile. I am going to have to get photos of this too, to prove to the WORLD what people in my own country have been trying to do to me.

Here's just one photo. All you have to do is type into a google search: photo's of Mee's lines.

Someone stole my videocamera out of my purse. Totally stole it.


I went outside and the lines are very obvious in daylight.

I'm getting ahold of someone else's camera and I'm publishing this.


  1. If I have any new believers or supporters, if you'd like to donate a videocamera, I'd appreciate it. In the meantime I'm using someone else's.

    I could also handle having a couple of people on my side with some money, who might want to assist.

  2. This guy came over and tried to tell me I didn't have Mee's lines and he's a physician.

    I said, "they're faint" but what is it then and he said "I don't know." I said, why do you think this isn't Mees? and he said, "Because it's not what I was taught." His wife was wearing this saint Mary necklace.

    They looked happy when they walked away to tell me this. I realized though, that I have a camera on my computer and can still get photos.

    Like I said, they're very faint, but when you take THIS, PLUS the obvious raindrop hypopigmentation, plus all my other symptoms, it indicates arsenic poisoning.

    Some, who must be very oblivious or uneducated, or who have an alternate agenda, might disagree.

  3. I can't get it, this camera sucks for definition up close. I'll have to borrow someone else's.

    There is a very, very, thin line that goes from one side to the other and it's slightly whiter than the pale nail below, which is all one color, but paler than the nail which is above the line and is more pink. Then there is a streak across the top of my forefinger on my left hand.

    There's one fine line with paler nail above and below and then slighter darker above the even paler line.

    On my right hand there is a line that can be seen on the middle finger and forefinger especially. The middle finger one is a striation mark.

    On my left hand there is a asymetrical streak of white on the forefinger plus the line, and it's visible on my middle finger as well.

    I don't know if this would be a dating line or if you ingest something, it automatically colors all the nail but I think it would be more of a dating thing and the newer nail has not yet grown out.
