Monday, August 17, 2009

My New Prayer To God

I have prayed, in the past, that God would give me insights that were miraculous and were a gift for giving information or blessing others by allowing them to believe there is a higher power. I prayed for wisdom (which I'm still lacking) and I prayed for word of knowledge and prophecy and other gifts.

I told God, "I don't need to know how it impacts others. If you want to give me information or insight to share, I don't ever need to know and it would be better if I didn't know, because then I might become vain. But..." I prayed, "Please give me the ability to receive information that I can give to others which they know there is no natural reason or way I could have known some things and whether it's good or bad, let it impact their understanding of the world and their lives."

So, I have gone in faith, believing that sometimes, now and then, I have been able to "know" about certain things most people wouldn't know and I have tried to get the message out.

But, I told God last night, or this morning rather, that I wanted more. I asked for the gift of being given information AND knowing what it's about.

I told God it's too dangerous the other way.

I asked God to begin giving me names and specific information about things that impact my life so I can protect myself and my son and those I love. I also prayed for this for the benefit of others, that I might be able to help others as well, by being more direct, and knowing who the message is intended for and what it's regarding.

I still prefer not to know. I prefer this because it's not my business to know some things, but given the danger of circumstances lately, I prayed God would give me the gift of knowledge, to KNOW ahead of time what I'm dealing with so I'm not stupidly putting out the message to everyone in the world, or not knowing the danger I may be putting myself in for not even being aware of a potential impact.

I don't know if it will happen, because I still don't have that gift of wisdom though in some ways I'm wise and getting wiser. But I prayed for this gift for good, not evil.

I prayed God would please continue to protect me and my son and those who help me and that those who help and have tried to help, that he would bless with the blessing of a prophet who receives a meal from people when they are in need. That there would be tangible blessing.

Blessings, blessings, blessings, on those who are true to God and good to me and my son. With all my heart, blessings to you and your families.

And may God bless my enemies. Bless or avenge, God, as you see fit, but on my record, let there be a wish for peace.

Amen--So be it.

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