Friday, August 14, 2009

Comment From Stranger

A stranger wrote in claiming I sound nuts because I make, in my own words I term it "loose associations" and mention numbers and colors and think "everyone is out to get me".

First of all, I have NEVER thought "everyone is out to get me." What I do know is that there IS a group of individuals whom I don't know personally, who have spent time and effort to directly approach me and say or do weird things, and at least on one occasion, I took food or something from someone which ended up in internal bleeding and abnormal blood chemistry.

As for colors and "numbers" I have never meant anything more by COLOR than to describe what someone is wearing. Police do it, intel does it, witnesses do it. You describe what someone was wearing, and you can tell from my images and poems, that I am color-oriented and notice these things. Also, it's not irrelevant if there is a gang involved, because they pride themselves, any kind of gang, traditional or not, on wearing colors that symbolize their stance and position. So there is nuthin' f---kin' wrong with my mention of "colors".

As for numbers, yeah, that's weirder but it's not my doing. I don't notice numbers until they're texted to me and there is no way to call back, and when someone is repeatedly sending texts that have something to do with "numbers", it's not schitzo to wonder why. It's normal. I got one text that had the number 1 million on it. Another with an acronymn and a number and then another with a phone or other number with tons of 8's which couldn't be contected to anything.

Additionally, gangs, traditional and non-traditional, use a symbolic system of numbers. Different gangs will adopt certain numbers, and I mean even professional or self-made white collar posses, to symbolize things. If I notice the number "13" and the number "7" over and over, repeatedly in connection with a person who is wearing the number, writing it down, or constantly handing me change in that number, or doing anything that is repeatedly making the number significant in how often it's used, well about statistical odds, it's pertinent. Also, some military or organizations also use colors to represent themselves and where they stand and of course, someone could always wear an enemies colors in order to infiltrate or mislead someone to believe they are with some other group than the one they subscribe to.

Maybe someone wants me to notice, write about it, and sound nuts. Who knows. I base my analysis on logic before intuition, but intuition often leads me to concrete evidence.

Sometimes one idea will lead to an interest in exploring something. Other times, an idea is far too tenuous. I was at a house the other day where news was on and I was paying attention but before I ever had a chance to find out what the program was about, I was sitting to the side where I couldn't even see the T.V. and the idea came to my mind: "It wasn't an accident." I thought, why in the world did I think this? and then the next thing to come up was conversation about the Pan Am accident with planes between Europe and the U.S. Some big accident. Now, should I assume there is a connection? Should I think it wasn't an accident but planned by someone? This would be very extreme and highly unlikely, but since the idea existed for a split second, it might make me curious enough to look up some facts about the accident because I know nothing about it. As far as I know, there's never been a conspiracy theory about this accident and I don't know about much, but just heard that day that a large British and a large U.S. plane went down and some people died. It would be preposterous to think it was anything but an accident, but out of curiosity I might look up available facts, to satiate simple curiosity and then I would write off my impression or idea as intangible. I will have to find the right accident first, I think. I thought it was one, on the T.V. where two planes collided but now I'm pulling up one that was going to NY that crashed in Scotland. I need to find the right one.

There is nothing paranoid about that--any reaction I've had to bizarre circumstances is natural and if anything, I am very tough. I am not falling apart, doubting myself or my sanity, and I am taking more careful precautions but still going about life, being friendly with others.

But I'm not nuts and the recent things I've been through are the result of my endurance in being surrounded by a bunch of f---kin' NUTS.

I had a police officer tell me to write all names and IDs down and give it to someone I trust in case something "happened" to me. He made it clear he thought I might be done away with, but said there was nothing they could do.

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