Thursday, August 13, 2009

Endangered Health & Effects Of Poison

I am still concerned about my health and safety. Newly, I've had some buzzing, nerve-like sensations in my toes and in my knee at one point.

My heart has really been acting up. I've had palpitations and weird stuff but there's no accompanying anxiety--I mean, I've had panic attacks in my life, and this isn't it. I'm breathing fine--there's no shallow or rapid breathing, but my heart is pumping really really hard and fast. I'm going to time the rate in a minute.

I've had more weird stuff happen. I went to a different location to try to get away and the people I met at this hotel, where they were advertising a drastically lower price, started talking about their dog losing her spouse and how she'd had anxiety ever since. They said it had been for at least 2 weeks. Normal enough, but then they said she started bleeding internally and it came out rectally, and eventually, in a little bit of vomit through her mouth...but, they said, it was all psychosomatic and due to "anxiety" and "colitis". They started telling me anxiety can cause bleeding. It was like they already knew me and what I've been through.

They said they were calling me "Cat". I had told them my name was "Pat" but they said "Cat" suited me more. I had told some people recently that I was like a cat with more than 9 lives because I've survived death so many times. Why these people who were strangers to me would decide "cat" suited me, and talk about bleeding caused by anxiety, I don't know. From the Eagle Arbor Inn in Bainbridge. Oh, but just so they're not defamed in any way, they were extremely nice and they also it was probably a total coincidence they're dog was having all this bleeding and it followed my recent experience. I know I didn't have colitis though. I would have had stomach pain or something and I didn't. Well, I had stomach and back pain after I had the impulse to go, but it was not normal anxiety stuff. I used to have diarrhea before running races in cross country, and that was normal and it felt normal and was due to nerves, not some random thing out of the blue like this was. I'm very good at knowing my own body.

They had some red, white, and black stuff lying around their house and I just wondered about them a bit.

THEN, the other thing that's been odd, is after I told this guy I had a titanium plate holding my neck together and donor bone, he asked several questions and wondered if it set the alarm off and was I sure what kind of metal it was. Shortly thereafter, I'm accepting a couple cigarettes which left me with this weird metallic taste.

No, I'm not sensing abnormal psych stuff due to anxiety. But in addition to this, I had a dramatic cooling of my body and was so cold instantly, I was shivering.

I've had people I don't know lately, bringing up "fire and ice" in a suspicious way. And giving me products with the word "ice" in it a lot, people who are shady. I also had the poem by Frost come to mind recently, "Some say the world will end in fire, some say it will end in ice--either should suffice" and the guy I recently stayed with practically gasped and then said, "It's going to end in war."

Then after I took this cigarette at Sully's, the internet radio totally quit and then put on something after cutting itself off. It wasn't an ipod, it was like pandora or one of those satellite programs. I was freezing and had people staring me down, and I didn't feel well at all. I held up of course, but something with my body wasn't right, and I have always been 100% ON about this. IN the past, the record shows, I have accurately ascertained something going on with my BODY, not my mind, that even doctors weren't onto.

For example, all the miscarriage and incomplete problems I had in the D.C. area.

So I'm sitting there, and had a couple of very weird nervous system reactions in my knee and toes and then I'd feel a weird burning in my lip, and the tip of my tongue actually become red after I felt this metallic tingling feeling, and the sides of my tongue swollen and blistered.

The following songs cut in:

Imagine, by John Lennon
Evil Woman, ?
Oh Domino, ?
Go Ask Alice?
Somebody Find Me Somebody To Love

I know it sounds like nothing, but something has been going on.

Then, I see all these guys, some of them in red, white and black even, with their faces all burned up and blistered like they ingested some kind of poison. I saw a TON of men like this today and yesterday and they had blisters, bright, bright raw red skin, and even their eyes didn't look normal. I wasn't looking for a pattern. It looked recent, like a bunch of them had had an acid spill experience.

Whether it's stress or not, my hair has been coming out in handfulls. I mean, tons of hair, but the hair is still growing on my body from what I can tell.

As for my periods I thought it was sort of strange because Dr. Stevens with Virginia-Mason wanted to know, when I came in with rectal bleeding, if I'd had extra bleeding with periods. I said no, but it wasn't true.

I've blogged that I stopped getting my periods and went into some kind of menopause but I lied. What happened instead, is that shortly after my fiance left, my periods came back like old times and they were extremely heavy and they lasted an extra long time. My last period lasted at least 8 days and there was heavy bleeding. I went from having barely any period at all, for a whole year, and thinking I was in peri-menopause, to having full-blown periods with excessive bleeding that wasn't even natural for me in my younger days. I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to see if anything happened if I said I had full menopause. All I got was a bunch of empty baby bassinets, three of them in 2 days, pointed out to me while I was trying to go to my appointment in Vancouver, WA and get back alive. The only other time I've been around an empty baby bassinet or cradle and had it pointed out to me, was when I moved into Mykal Holt's house. She pointed out a room to me and my fiance with an empty baby bassinet waiting in the corner and she pointed it out. We said we didn't need it.

I just checked my tongue now and it's not red at the tip anymore like it was yesterday, but on the front and sides, there are a bunch of tiny burst blood vessels. All through the tongue. NO, actually, I just checked and the tip really is still brighter red and then there are the tiny burst blood vessels.

I haven't been eating anything spicy.

And yes, while I've written misleading things in the past on my blog, what I've been writing about lately is the TRUTH. I am afraid for my safety and those I care about and who care about me, and I have good cause to be. I went to police, not with ANY info on anything, because I don't even KNOW what's going on, but I went to them and they said to call U.S. Marshalls. I called them and they said they couldn't do anything. So basically, I was told to be a sitting duck. All I was going to FBI or police or Marshalls for, was just safety concerns and that was it.

The woman who was highly intelligent and approaching me with a drink and snack, poured juice from one container into the bottle. I drank a little bit but then reconsidered the idea. I threw everything out eventually.

The first time I noticed an odd taste or something wrong with the cigarette was when I got one from "Tiffany". I don't know if it was a culmination of something else I'd had but my tongue got the weird sensation and turned red after that cig and then I was having nerve pains and heart problems. But again, no shallow or rapid breathing like one would get from panic or anxiety.

I am f---ing holding my own!

I wrote a note to my son today, and included the fact that I got down on my knees and prayed, realizing something wasn't right and that someone was trying to poison me again, after I'd already been bleeding from something else.

The verse that instantly popped into my mind, when I was asking for wisdom and protection was:

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper."

Of course, I take this word with a small grain of salt and concern, but I am trusting God to help me and anyone else who is being made to suffer for GOD KNOWS WHAT.

I don't want my worst enemy to suffer, and even if I knew exactly who was involved, I wouldn't want the same for them. I think people are getting paid or they have some other motivation.

Some people have come out of the woodwork to do weird things, which they know, if I wrote about it, would make me sound nuts and like it was just bizarre. Some people have actually done this and it was just a mind game. But some of the people who have approached me have been dead serious and not playing any kind of game at all.

Yeah, it sounds crazy, but people tried to say my pain during an ectopic pregnancy was crazy too.

I am not delusional and I know my body and I've, so far, always been right. Even when others doubted me or my symptoms.

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