Thursday, August 13, 2009

DSCO Was The Name

I believe DSCO was the name of the pharmaceutical company that was texted to me anonymously. They deal with respiratory therapies.

There is a photo of kids and people in bubbles floating around in the sky, and a boy with dark hair and the slogan about how "Michael" came into existence. After I got this message, I had some people, one a pastor, randomly saying things about "Michael" and "the archangel MICHAEL."

I don't know what the deal is. Something to do with this pharmaceutical company though. It's based out of CA I think. Wait, let me double check the name again because I may have letters in the acronymn mixed up. It's DSCO.

Then there was a number after it, like a 65 or a 69.

I had another text with a phone number which couldn't be called. A lot of 8's in the number. I didn't know why it was sent when I couldn't call it. The sum of numbers for the first half came to "24" and the second part came to "39" if I remember correctly. I didn't know if there was supposed to be some kind of message, because I didn't know myself what some of these texts were sent to me.

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