Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Ripple Effect (Woman Tells Me I'm Learning)

Yesterday this woman who was incredibly intelligent, told me I was learning about "The Ripple Effect."

It has been a very long since I've met a woman with such a high I.Q. I sized her up in about 2 minutes and told her it usually takes me at least 5 minutes. She corrected me and said I'd actually sized her up in 49 seconds. I think it's true. She said just a few things and I looked into her eyes and instantly, her brain power was evident.

I think there are a lot of very smart people who don't say much, so I never know and can't assess them. And some people sometimes sound sort of air-headed when they're not. But there are others who are speaking so fast with such direct wit it's not missed.

I don't know what this woman does exactly, but I was extremely impressed with her. I was sort of shocked. I also guessed she was Jewish but she said she was Catholic. I don't know. I wasn't convinced. Then I saw this design on her jeans and said out loud, "You have the tree of life in your pocket" and she looked down and seemed sort of pleased but said, "No, it's bling". It was the design of a tree or tree branch studded with small rhinestones.

The other guy she was with was smart too, but I couldn't tell until he was talking more, and he had a different style.

She told me I was learning that for every action there is a reaction or a consequence. I said yes, and she said what I was experiencing was called the "ripple effect".

She and the guy told me the CIA and FBI both have offices in downtown Seattle. I said I thought CIA was only in VA and they said no. I said I thought they only did work overseas and they said no. I don't know if it's true or not.

They told me to get in the car and we'd talk.

I didn't know that this was a good idea. Why not, and she said she knew the head Seattle police guy and had responsibility for a lot of people, but I needed better ID. I asked for some and got something where I couldn't see the face well enough. It wasn't enough, and they knew who I was already, and they had something to do with substances but it could have been either undercover or illicit and I didn't know which one. I saw something they called splat and then corrected to crack cocaine. I don't know if it was or not. It was really small crystal like nuggets. I was told it's crystaline so it absorbs or liquifies.

They brought me something to eat and drink and it was fine. I wanted to think there was a good crew around that helps people, but I don't know who to trust all the time. Sometimes, I know I can't trust someone, but I hang out a little bit just to find out how and why they're trying to screw me over.

They kept telling me to get in the car and I asked why we couldn't talk there.

I didn't feel comfortable going even as impressed as I was with the intelligence levels, and she had told me there was something in my laptop bag front pocket. I found out she was right. A housekey that had been stolen from my jacket pocket was there. Somehow, at some point, someone had taken the key out of my jacket pocket, and later put it somewhere else. I had searched this pocket thoroughly in front of someone and they knew it wasn't there. Then it was, and this woman who was a stranger to me, knew what was there.

She said, "I don't know, there might be something a little funny in that front pocket of that bag there."

I checked the pocket after I'd left their company and the key was there. It was the only "funny" thing in that pocket. "Funny" in the sense that I had the key stolen and then it was reappearing in the bag.

I was separated from my jacket at one location and left my bags unattended a couple of times.

When they were driving off, she yelled out the window: "Ya wanna smoke some pot?!"

She was wearing a white shirt and a black bead bracelet with jeans. The other guy was in a yellow and green cap and shirt. I was walking along the sidewalk to where I was staying, and they pulled up. There was one other guy but he got out and went to an apartment and didn't want to go along.

They didn't want to leave names and numbers to talk later.

1 comment:

  1. You're instincts to stay away from people like that is spot on - they sound really, really shady. I don't share any information with people unless I know them well (as it has been used against me), so you might want to refrain as you never know who could use it against you - especially like with people you ran into today - so good you did NOT get into that car!
